2011-04-25 Faculty Senate meeting
Faculty Senate
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Archival material
Archival material
Wichita State University , Faculty Senate , Shared governance , Meeting Agenda , Meeting minutes
Faculty Senate. Agenda and minutes of the meeting of April 25, 2011. -- Faculty Senate Meetings, 2010-2011, v.24
Table of Contents
Agenda: (Informal statements and proposals) -- (Report from Debbie Chalmers) -- (President's report) -- (Committee reports): Standing Committee Annual Reports 2010-2011--
(** contains action for the Senate): Court of Academic Appeals; Faculty Support; General Education; Honors; Library**; Scholarship and Student Aid**; University Admissions and Exceptions Advisory Committee -- (New business): 1) Proposal from the Executive Committee: Transfer Appeals Process for students and institutions -- (Old business): 1) Proposal from the ad hoc General Education
Committee -- (As may arise)
Attachments: Motion from the ad hoc General Education Committee -- Transfer Appeals Process -- Student Conduct in the Classroom
Minutes: Summary of action: 1. Accepted the proposed timeline from the ad hoc General Education Committee -- 2. Accepted the annual reports from the following Faculty Senate Standing Committees: Court of Academic Appeals; Faculty Support; General Education; Honors; Library; Scholarship and Student Aid; University Admissions and Exceptions Advisory -- (Informal statements and proposals): Query about reports of salary adjustments allegedly made in 2010 after the publication of the year's budget / Senator Rillema -- (Report from the Director of Student Conduct and Community Standards) / Richard Muma -- (President's report): Remarks would arise piecemeal in connection with the various items of business on the agenda -- (Committee reports): Standing Committee Annual Reports 2010-2011 / President Hemans -- (New business): Proposal from the Executive Committee to create a Transfer Appeals Process for institutions and students / President Hemans -- (Old business): Review of the process and timeline for revising the General Education structure as proposed by the Ad Hoc General Education Committee / President Hemans -- (As may arise): Call for special meeting of the Faculty Senate for May 2 to address items yet unfinished by the current Senate / President Hemans
Attachments: Motion from the ad hoc General Education Committee -- Transfer Appeals Process -- Student Conduct in the Classroom
Minutes: Summary of action: 1. Accepted the proposed timeline from the ad hoc General Education Committee -- 2. Accepted the annual reports from the following Faculty Senate Standing Committees: Court of Academic Appeals; Faculty Support; General Education; Honors; Library; Scholarship and Student Aid; University Admissions and Exceptions Advisory -- (Informal statements and proposals): Query about reports of salary adjustments allegedly made in 2010 after the publication of the year's budget / Senator Rillema -- (Report from the Director of Student Conduct and Community Standards) / Richard Muma -- (President's report): Remarks would arise piecemeal in connection with the various items of business on the agenda -- (Committee reports): Standing Committee Annual Reports 2010-2011 / President Hemans -- (New business): Proposal from the Executive Committee to create a Transfer Appeals Process for institutions and students / President Hemans -- (Old business): Review of the process and timeline for revising the General Education structure as proposed by the Ad Hoc General Education Committee / President Hemans -- (As may arise): Call for special meeting of the Faculty Senate for May 2 to address items yet unfinished by the current Senate / President Hemans
Wichita State University
Book Title
Wichita State University Faculty Senate Archives