1992-03-30 Faculty Senate meeting

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Faculty Senate
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Archival material
Wichita State University , Faculty Senate meetings , Shared governance , Meeting Agenda , Meeting minutes
Research Projects
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Journal Issue
Faculty Senate. Agenda and minutes of the meeting of March 30, 1992. -- Faculty Senate Meetings, 1991-1992, v.5
Table of Contents
Agenda: (Informal proposals and statements) -- (President's report) --(Special report): Wichita State University Alumni Association / Michael Meacham -- (Old business): Joint faculty appointments -- Resolution to send Planning and Budget Committee recommendations relating to bonded indebtedness to Wichita City Council and Sedgwick County Commission -- (Committee reports): Planning and Budget Committee comparisons of administrative and faculty salaries -- Annual report of Library Appeals Committee -- Report of Library/MRC Committee on destruction of tapes and films
Attachments: Proposed bond issue to finance construction of a facility for the Elliott School of Communications / Faculty Senate Planning and Budget Committee -- Annual report to the Faculty Senate / Library Appeals Committee -- Deletion of items in the MRC Film Library / Michael Vincent -- Memorandum regarding MRC Film and Video Collection / Mike Wood -- Factors from Past Dean's Evaluation surveys with abbreviated items -- Petition for a new building
Minutes: Summary of action taken: 1. Passed without dissent the Joint Faculty Appointment proposal -- (Informal proposals and statements): Discussion of state's $185 million windfall / Senator Allen -- Distribution of sumnmary of factors of past evaluations of deans / Senator Sweney -- Suggestion of portion of windfall money for making buildings accessible to handicapped students / Senator Duell -- Anthropology students sending a delegation to see Governor Finney / Senator Billings -- Recommendations from Senator Sweney regarding the summary of factors / Senator Gosman -- (President's report): Regent Sabatini will be on campus Tuesday -- (Special report): Report of the Alumni Association / Michael Meachum -- Request for time to share concerns about an article in the Wichita Business Journal / Elizabeth King -- (Old business): Joint Faculty appointments proposal, second reading -- Movement that a copy of the memorandum from the Faculty Senate Planning and Budget Committee to the Board of Trustees be sent to the City Council and the county Commissioner / Senator Griffith -- Executive Committee Faculty Senate minutes of the meeting of April 1, 1992
Wichita State University
Book Title
Wichita State University Faculty Senate Archives
PubMed ID