The Sunflower, 1930-1931, no.06, October 22, 1930

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Heubner, B. P. , Bachelor's degrees , Master's degrees , Pre-Medic Club , Reserve Officers' Training Corps (R.O.T.C.) , Student Army Training Corps (S.A.T.C.) , University Political Club
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.5, no.6, Wichita, Kansas, October 22, 1930. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Promises shortened programs: Student body must co-operate to secure change of time for chapel -- Haskell night game usher in football to Wichita crowd -- Dr. Heubner finds students friendly -- Col. Hill addresses W.U. Training Corps -- Harold Woodward on national chain -- Must pick queen for Gala Day -- Medicine and law courses speeded up -- Mysterious beer palace opens October 30 and 31; Many students to spend "Ten Nights in a Bar-room" -- Big bonfire anmd pep rally Friday proves successful -- Fletcher attends registrars' meet -- Sophomores violate rules giving frosh win in tug-of-war -- Rifle team takes indoor activities -- Dr. Ebright speaks at Aesculopian Club -- Officers choose Schrader -- Costs to be absent at Hays K.S.T.C. -- Rural life meeting is well attended -- Wichita East High in Winfield tournament -- National forensic fraternity elects McIntyre president -- Students organize political clubs -- Wichita is given new unit: 1.500 people jam corridor of the administration hall -- R.O.T.C. dates back to old S.A.T.C. on campus during night -- "Gabby" Street talks at teachers college -- Doctors are taking charge of meetings for pre-medics men -- Students receive teachers positions -- Radio broadcasters are students here -- Society and clubs: Pi Kappa Psi honor pledges are dance October 25; Mothers' society met October 17; Delta Omega will entertain October 25 at Elks Club; Zeta Delts have prison theme for dance Oct. 18th; Alpha Tau Sigma pledges entertain members at dinner; Football dinner to be given by A.G.G.; Alpha Gams will have tea Sunday; Succor!!!: Come to rescue of sixty delegates -- Hockey sessions underway at W.U. -- Postures of W.U. men are becoming better -- Shockers in first conference clash on home field; W.A.A. next: Washburn and Wichita clash in contest that will decide leadership in conference -- Washburn working on passing defense for Shocker game -- Shocker frosh draw a tie with Emporia yearlings Saturday -- Johnson in quest for center find capable candidate -- Low scores made for qualifying rounds in inter-faculty golf tournament at Sims Park
Photograph(s): Dean Lieurance III. / Courtesy Wichita Beacon. p. 1 -- Delta Omega pledge: Miss Bettina Bosworth, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bosworth of 3314 Oakland avenue, is president of the Delta Omega pledges this semester. p. 3 -- Big guns in Washburn artillery: Shown above are several good reasons why the Ichabods have a powerful team this year. Top row, reading from left to right: Frank Sharpe, hard hitting fullback, who tips the scales at 180 pounds; Barnett, one of the lightest men on the squad is field general of the Washburn team. He is heady and has led his team mates to several victories. Fred Dornbusch, a regular in the backfield for several seasons, is a consistent ground gainer. The lower picture is of Warren Shaw, captain and center or the team. Shaw has been captain for two years and will offer plenty of opposition for Bill Crawley, Shocker pivot man. p. 4
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.5 no.6
PubMed ID