1976-04-12 University Senate meeting
University Senate
Issue Date
Archival material
Archival material
Wichita State University , University Senate , Shared governance , Meeting agenda , Meeting minutes
University Senate. Agenda and Minutes of the Meeting, April 12, 1976. -- University Senate Meetings, 1975-1976, v.12
Table of Contents
Agenda: Meeting called to order -- Informal proposals and statements -- Approval of the minutes of the meeting of March 22, 1976 -- Orders of the day -- Unfinished business -- Committee reports -- New business
University Senate: Administrative structure
Attachment: Report ot the University Senate from the committee on committees -- Library committee -- Membership on admissions and exceptions committee
Senate attachment: Tenure promotion and academic freedom committee -- Tenure review --Promotion review -- Appeal cases summary -- Comparative mandatory tenure review data -- Guidelines for tenure and promotion review -- Voting procedures -- General problems and considerations
WSU correspondence: Annual report on academic standards and practices -- Proposed changes to WSU academic standards and practices -- Need for increased parking fees
Minutes: Approval of the minutes -- Report from the Committee on Committees -- Report from the University Tenure and Promotion Committee -- Report on the need for increasing parking fees -- Adjournment
University Senate: Administrative structure
Attachment: Report ot the University Senate from the committee on committees -- Library committee -- Membership on admissions and exceptions committee
Senate attachment: Tenure promotion and academic freedom committee -- Tenure review --Promotion review -- Appeal cases summary -- Comparative mandatory tenure review data -- Guidelines for tenure and promotion review -- Voting procedures -- General problems and considerations
WSU correspondence: Annual report on academic standards and practices -- Proposed changes to WSU academic standards and practices -- Need for increased parking fees
Minutes: Approval of the minutes -- Report from the Committee on Committees -- Report from the University Tenure and Promotion Committee -- Report on the need for increasing parking fees -- Adjournment
Wichita State University
Book Title
Wichita State University, University Senate Archives