The Sunflower, v.51, no.24 (April 11, 1946)

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Issue Date
Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Cigarette smoking , Cigarettes on campus , May Day
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.51, no.24, Wichita, Kansas, April 11, 1946. - 6 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Seven plays open Friday -- Four to play chess at Tulsa U., Apr. 13 -- Culprits demonstrate law of supply and demand for Faye Ricketts -- Time extended to GI speakers -- Professors attend Kansas science meet -- Engineering dept. plans enlargement -- Student Republicans on state committee -- May Queen election polls close today in Commons at 2:30 p.m. -- Jesse Bader will speak -- A Cappella choir sings at Planeview -- Many changes made in May Queen festivities over 35 year period -- Faculty members take to the air -- 150 veterans join campus "Univets" -- Has anybody a solution? -- You shall have fags! -- War on ideas -- Think! Think! Think! -- Grad gossip -- Math department resumes grad work -- Sorority donates fund to therapy -- Western civilization doomed unless "Frankenstein" controlling -- Graduate record exams are May 6-7 -- New at the Library / Dorothea Welsh -- Roundabout the campus -- Kappa Delta Pi initiates eight -- Alpha Gams elect officers Monday -- I.S.A. women have informal supper -- Pi Beta Chi pledges 13 art students -- Random reviews / Betty Dickman; Lois Burrell -- Dames Club holds luncheon today -- Psychology prof turns English teacher to aid Czech refugee -- Shocker football squads show improvement but need reserves -- Friday last day set for tennis sign-up -- Seventh game is scheduled -- High school track teams meet here -- Gym shorts / Marge Morris -- Pigskin training termination adds strength to track team -- Council calls new election; disqualifies Thursday vote
Photograph(s): Queen candidates: Alma Ruth Funk; Claudine Yungmeyer; Mary Virginia Mueller. p. 1 -- [May Queen] Candidates: Alma Ruth Funk; Mary Virginia Mueller; Claudine Yungmeyer. p. 5
Newspaper mislabeled as Vol. XLXI.
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.51 no.24
PubMed ID