The Sunflower, v.47, no.13 (December 4, 1941)

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Blake, Leslie M. , Oberg, Paul M. , Whan, Forrest L.
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.47, no.13, Wichita, Kansas, December 4, 1941. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Symphony orchestra in concert -- University grad is field cadet -- University is on approved list of A.A.U. -- Express Company wants college men -- Old stadium sees last game / Bill Mendell -- Wiggam is speaker on forum -- Phi Beta Kappa is to meet Dec. 9 -- Mikesell to speak -- Operetta previewed on KFBI -- Speech teachers are recognized -- Dean represents school -- Mrs. C.E. Lane is ill in hospital -- R.O.T.C. men are promoted -- Chiuminatto to hold rehearsals -- Sipple plans program -- Sunflower contest to show results from advertising -- R.O.T.C. to present honorary colonel at annual military ball -- Parnassus contest nears initial deadline -- Three university coeds are in play -- Hekhuis addresses scouts -- Chittick will give lecture for symposium -- Psychologist to talk -- Right, left, center, all wrong: such is the life of congressmen -- Herr Hitler helps eliminate present campus parking problem -- Nature and a glowing campfire bring one closer to his creator -- Typed on a Wednesday / Fred Higginson -- Shocking news -- University bulletin -- Shocker shots / McAuley -- Denver alumni observe anniversary this week -- Grad gossip -- Delta Omega observes its twenty-fifth anniversary -- Writan members to hear Colin -- Honorary colonel to be feted at gala military ball -- Pledges have review -- Roundabout the campus / Cattie Hattie -- Wheaties plan Wednesday supper -- W.R.A. girls plan dinner, initiation -- University Dames to fete husbands -- Hillbrand aids in survey -- Cage stars work hard this week -- Three intramurals will open seasons -- Ramblers crush Alpha Gam team in grid contest -- Bulletin -- In a Shocker sports corner / Bill Hodge -- Freshman cage prospects good -- Etnire teaches -- Girls play badminton -- Alpha Gams win beer-keg game -- Shockers play on college all-stars -- Girls' hockey team wins over friends
Photograph(s): Forum speaker: Dr. Albert K. Wiggam, distinguished author, lecturer, and psychologist who will address the Student Forum tonight in the University Auditorium on the topic, "Who Shall Inherit America?" p. 1 -- Officers salute colonel and escort: Receiving the salute of the senior officers of the University R.O.T.C. unit are Miss Betty Ruth Charles, honorary colonel, and Cadet Lieut. Keith K. Reid, Miss Charles' escort. p. 1 -- Symphony director: Prof. Paul Oberg. p. 1 -- [Fred] Higginson. p. 2 -- Student soloist: Mary Eby. p. 3
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.47 no.13
PubMed ID