Correlation between parent/teacher conference attendance and student grade
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Many factors outside of the school can impact a student's academic success. One factor is the involvement of the parent/guardian. When students have a guardian who is actively involved, they tend to perform better because they have that additional person in their life who is pushing them to succeed. A way that guardians show their involvement is by attending parent/teacher conferences. This is a time for the teacher to share what they are doing in class, as well as how the student in performing. When guardians attend these conferences, they are kept in the loop on those things and able to ask questions or voice concerns. The teacher can also provide the guardians with things that can be done to improve the students grade in the class if they are struggling. These parent/teacher conferences are important times where crucial information is shared and when students have guardians that are involved and attend these conferences, their grade and performance in the class are traditionally quite higher than those students who do not attend, as the data will show. Another area this research will discuss is how parent/teacher conference attendance compares between regular and honors-level courses.
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