2017-04-10 Faculty Senate meeting
Faculty Senate
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Wichita State University , Faculty Senate , Shared governance , Meeting Agenda , Meeting minutes
Faculty Senate. Agenda and minutes of the meeting of April 10, 2017. -- Faculty Senate Meetings, 2016-2017, v.30
Table of Contents
Agenda: (President's report) -- (Committee reports): a. Rules / Carolyn Shaw -- (New business): a. University Update / President John Bardo -- b. Endorsement of WSU/WATC Affiliation HLC Change of Control Application document, 2nd reading / Rick Muma and Tony Vizzini - revised 4-6-17 --- c. Endorsement of WSU/WATC Affiliation-General faculty vote -- d. University Promotion Guidelines tor Teaching Faculty
e. Department Chair versus Department Head Discussion
8. As May Arise
Minutes: Summary of action: 1. Accepted appointment of Health Professions representative Betty Elder to serve on the Faculty Senate -- 2. Accepted appointment of LAS Math representative Jim Bann to the University Admissions and Exceptions Committee Accepted - Faculty Senate endorsement of the document (change of control) being sent to HLC by a vote of 21 yes - 5 no -- 4. Accepted - Faculty Senate support for the concept of WSU/WATC affiliation by a vote os 13 yes - 11 no -- (President's report): 1. Faculty Senate documents -- 2. Senate web page -- 3. Legislative update -- (Committee reports): 1. Rules Committee: Nominations -- (New business): 1. University Update / President John Bardo: i. American Athletic Conference -- ii. YMCA -- iii. WATC -- iv. Student concerns -- 2. Endorsement of WSU/WATC Affiliation HLC Change of Control Application document, 2nd Reading / Senior Associate Vice President Muma and Provost Vizzini -- 3. Endorsement of WSU/WATC Affiliation -- 4. University Promotion Guidelines for Teaching Faculty
Minutes: Summary of action: 1. Accepted appointment of Health Professions representative Betty Elder to serve on the Faculty Senate -- 2. Accepted appointment of LAS Math representative Jim Bann to the University Admissions and Exceptions Committee Accepted - Faculty Senate endorsement of the document (change of control) being sent to HLC by a vote of 21 yes - 5 no -- 4. Accepted - Faculty Senate support for the concept of WSU/WATC affiliation by a vote os 13 yes - 11 no -- (President's report): 1. Faculty Senate documents -- 2. Senate web page -- 3. Legislative update -- (Committee reports): 1. Rules Committee: Nominations -- (New business): 1. University Update / President John Bardo: i. American Athletic Conference -- ii. YMCA -- iii. WATC -- iv. Student concerns -- 2. Endorsement of WSU/WATC Affiliation HLC Change of Control Application document, 2nd Reading / Senior Associate Vice President Muma and Provost Vizzini -- 3. Endorsement of WSU/WATC Affiliation -- 4. University Promotion Guidelines for Teaching Faculty
Wichita State University
Book Title
Wichita State University Faculty Senate Archives