H.A.R.V.I.E. (Holographic Augmented Reality Visualization Interface for Exploration) -- NASA SUITS challenge
Smith, Kristyn
Issue Date
NASA SUITS Challenge is an opportunity for the students for designing an augmented reality for displaying the spacesuit data for navigation purposes. This challenge focuses on the Artemis mission which seeks to stabilize long term presence on the Moon so in the near future. It is very important for EVA members to be equipped with appropriate technologies to be shielded from the extreme terrestrial conditions and ease of exploration. Our mission focuses on various categories which has undergone tremendous research and is ongoing research as we continue to work. They address the research questions of how one must integrate long term and short-term navigation along with the need of Lunar search and rescue in any event of emergency? We have implemented the use of dead reckoning and positional tracking that has spatial learning features to navigate without the use of GPS. In an event of any emergency, another EV member can safely navigate to them as the home base data is saved. There are waypoint markers that will calculate the elevation and displacement for all these features. How must one have the functions of terrain sensing to identify hazards. If there is a hazard ahead, the system would recalculate the waypoints to avoid the hazard and use a route around it using spatial mapping. How must displaying of chats, suit status and vitals be utilized. These items were professionally color coded, and audio integrated to state warnings and notifications. We integrate these into the headset HoloLens 2 for user interface.
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