2013-10-28 Faculty Senate meeting
Faculty Senate
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Archival material
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Wichita State University , Faculty Senate , Shared governance , Meeting Agenda , Meeting minutes
Faculty Senate. Agenda and minutes of the meeting of October 28, 2013. -- Faculty Senate Meetings, 2013-2014, v.27
Table of Contents
Agenda: (Informal statements and proposals) -- (President's report) -- (Committee reports): A. Rules Committee / Mehmet Barut -- (New business): A. Faculty Activity Tracking and SCC & New Student Alert System / David Wright -- B. Pre-Approval for Senior Study Abroad residency Exceptions / Susan Castro -- C. United Way Campaign presentation / Pat Hanrahan -- (As may arise)
Attachments: Pre-Approval for Senior Study Abroad Residency Exception: Presented to the Senate 10-28-13 from the UAEC for approval -- Pre-Approval for Senior Study Abroad Residency Exceptions -- United Way funding
Minutes: Summary of action: 1. Accepted Committee appointments to Faculty Senate Standing Committees (see Committee Reports, Rules) -- 2. Forwarded the report from the University Admissions and Exceptions Committee to Academic Affairs Committee -- (Informal statements and proposals): Statement regarding the hiring of additional instructors / Senator Chris Brooks -- (President's report): Announcement of the death of faculty colleague and former Senator -- Meeting of representatives of the University's Senates with the Kansas Board of Regents (KBOR) during their campus visit October 7 seemed to be very productive -- Focus of October 16-17 KBOR meeting was on FORESIGHT 2020 -- Proposed Honors Program curriculum changes were reviewed and approved by Faculty Senate Academic Affairs and GenEd Committees and faculty are encouraged to attend one of the information sessions about the Honors Program to be announced -- President Bardo's plan to create a "One Stop" operation at Wichita State -- (Committee reports): Nominations and vacancies / Mehmet Barut -- (New business): A. Student Success Collaboration, the New Student Alert System, and Faculty Activity Tracking: tudent Success Collaboration (SSC; Early Alert system; and "Faculty Reports" of "Reporting Services" / David Wright -- B. Pre-Approval for Senior Study Abroad residency Exceptions / Susan Castro -- C. United Way Campaign presentation / Pat Hanrahan -- (As may arise): Reminder regarding General Education Forum November 8 / Lyn Goldberg
Attachments: Pre-Approval for Senior Study Abroad Residency Exception: Presented to the Senate 10-28-13 from the UAEC for approval -- Pre-Approval for Senior Study Abroad Residency Exceptions -- United Way funding
Minutes: Summary of action: 1. Accepted Committee appointments to Faculty Senate Standing Committees (see Committee Reports, Rules) -- 2. Forwarded the report from the University Admissions and Exceptions Committee to Academic Affairs Committee -- (Informal statements and proposals): Statement regarding the hiring of additional instructors / Senator Chris Brooks -- (President's report): Announcement of the death of faculty colleague and former Senator -- Meeting of representatives of the University's Senates with the Kansas Board of Regents (KBOR) during their campus visit October 7 seemed to be very productive -- Focus of October 16-17 KBOR meeting was on FORESIGHT 2020 -- Proposed Honors Program curriculum changes were reviewed and approved by Faculty Senate Academic Affairs and GenEd Committees and faculty are encouraged to attend one of the information sessions about the Honors Program to be announced -- President Bardo's plan to create a "One Stop" operation at Wichita State -- (Committee reports): Nominations and vacancies / Mehmet Barut -- (New business): A. Student Success Collaboration, the New Student Alert System, and Faculty Activity Tracking: tudent Success Collaboration (SSC; Early Alert system; and "Faculty Reports" of "Reporting Services" / David Wright -- B. Pre-Approval for Senior Study Abroad residency Exceptions / Susan Castro -- C. United Way Campaign presentation / Pat Hanrahan -- (As may arise): Reminder regarding General Education Forum November 8 / Lyn Goldberg
Wichita State University
Book Title
Wichita State University Faculty Senate Archives