1969-1970 University Senate Standing Committee report

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University Senate
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Archival material
Wichita State University , University Senate , Shared governance
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
University Senate. Standing Committee Report Formats and Final Reports for Spring. -- University Senate Meetings, 1969-1970, v.6
Table of Contents
Standing Committee Final Reports Format for Spring: Recommendations and Description of Tasks -- Request of Final Report from University Senate: Standing Committee Reports Right -- Standing Committee Final Reports for Spring: Report -- Notice of the agenda --Content of Standing Committee Reports -- Recommendations and Description of Special Problems -- Accomplishments of the Committee -- Request for a Special Senate Committee on Educational Opportunity: Purpose of Possible Senate Action -- Academic Planning Process for Wichita State University: Steering Committee for Academic Planning -- Election of Representatives to the Land Use Planning and Design Committee: proposal for Land Use Planning and Design Committee -- Faculty Contact with Media -- Annual Report-Court of Academic Appeals to the President -- Formal Letter -- Resignation Letter Chairman of the University Traffic Committee -- Agreement to Serve Noise Abatement committee -- Approval of Academic Planning -- Request for a Speical Senate Committee on Educational Opportunity: Committee's Responsibility for Purpose of Possible Senate Action -- Recommendations to the University Faculty : Recommendation to Establish Ad hoc Committee -- Organization -- Function -- WSU Pending Appeals: Traffic Committee Review of all Traffic Rules On Campus -- New Chairman -- Notice of Meeting -- Vacancies on T and W Committee: College of Education -- College of Fine Arts -- School of Engineering -- College of Business -- College of Liberal Arts -- Parkign and Traffic Regulations: Responsibility to Establish policies On Campus -- Spring Meeting Plans: Supporting the Request for disability Insurance Coverage -- Proposed Amendment -- Concern and the Survey -- Kansas State Teacher's College -- Reservations to Make -- LUPDC Terms of Office: Assumption of May Meeting -- University-Wide Convocations During the Academic Year: Reccommendation of the Standing Faculty Committee -- Scheduling of Newly Appointed Member for Land Use Planning and Design Committee -- Discussion of Letter and Agenda: Discuss Letter with Agenda Committee of the Senate -- Agenda Items for General Faculty Meeting: Senate Meetings for Faculty Action -- Senate Agenda Items: Liberal Arts and Policy Committee Passed a Motion Regarding Credit, No Credit System -- Confirmation Regarding Appointment -- Thank You Letter to Dean Rhatigan -- Approved LUPDC Document: Revised Copy of LUPDC Document -- Copy of Minutes of the State Colleges Coordinating Committee -- Official Request to Support Regents recommendation -- Agenda Items for General Faculty Meeting: Items Generated in the Senate Meetings for Faculty Action -- Replacement of Committee Member: Newly Elected Senate -- Membership Expiration: Newly Elected Senate -- Eligibility for Election -- Dean Walter Friesen, University College: Newly Elected Senate -- Eligibility for Election -- Dean Charles Jakowatz, School of Engineering: Newly Elected Senate -- Eligibility for Election -- Dean Leonard Chaffes, College of Education: Newly Elected Senate -- Eligibility for Election -- Dean Walter Duerksen, College of Fine Arts: Newly Elected Senate -- Eligibility for Election -- Dean Fran Jabara, College of Business Administration: Newly Elected Senate -- Eligibility for Election -- Dean Paul Magelli, College of Liberal Arts: Newly Elected Senate -- Eligibility for Election -- Afro-American Program: Agenda Items Generated by Senate for Spring Faculty Meeting -- Standing Committee Final Reports for Spring -- Report on the Performance and Accomplishments -- Dorothy Sherman, Chairman, Court of Student Academic Appeals -- Standing Committee Report -- Recommendation and Description of the Accomplishments -- Gerald Heag, Chairman, University Traffic: Recommendation and Description of the Accomplishments -- Director of Summer School, Gordon Terwilligor: Recommendations and Description of Special Problems -- Accomplishments of the Committee -- Request for a Special Senate Committee on Educational Opportunity: Purpose of Possible Senate Action -- Academic Planning Process for Wichita State University: Steering Committee for Academic Planning -- Election of Representatives to the Land Use Planning and Design Committee: proposal for Land Use Planning and Design Committee -- Faculty Contact with Media -- Annual Report-Court of Academic Appeals to the President -- Formal Letter -- Resignation Letter Chairman of the University Traffic Committee -- Agreement to Serve Noise Abatement committee -- Approval of Academic Planning -- Request for a Speical Senate Committee on Educational Opportunity: Committee's Responsibility for Purpose of Possible Senate Action -- Recommendations to the University Faculty : Recommendation to Establish Ad hoc Committee -- Organization -- Function -- WSU Pending Appeals: Traffic Committee Review of all Traffic Rules On Campus -- New Chairman -- Notice of Meeting -- Vacancies on T and W Committee: College of Education -- College of Fine Arts -- School of Engineering -- College of Business -- College of Liberal Arts -- Parking and Traffic Regulations: Responsibility to Establish policies On Campus -- Spring Meeting Plans: Supporting the Request for disability Insurance Coverage -- Proposed Amendment -- Concern and the Survey -- Kansas State Teacher's College -- Reservations to Make -- LUPDC Terms of Office: Assumption of May Meeting -- University-Wide Convocations During the Academic Year: Reccommendation of the Standing Faculty Committee -- Scheduling of Newly Appointed Member for Land Use Planning and Design Committee -- Discussion of Letter and Agenda: Discuss Letter with Agenda Committee of the Senate -- Agenda Items for General Faculty Meeting: Senate Meetings for Faculty Action -- Senate Agenda Items: Liberal Arts and Policy Committee Passed a Motion Regarding Credit, No Credit System -- Confirmation Regarding Appointment -- Thank You Letter to Dean Rhatigan -- Approved LUPDC Document: Revised Copy of LUPDC Document -- Copy of Minutes of the State Colleges Coordinating Committee -- official Request to Support Regents recommendation -- Agenda Items for General Faculty Meeting: Items Generated in the Senate Meetings for Faculty Action -- Replacement of Committee Member: Newly Elected Senate -- Membership Expiration: Newly Elected Senate -- Eligibility for Election -- Dean Walter Friesen, University College: Newly Elected Senate -- Eligibility for Election -- Dean Charles Jakowatz, School of Engineering: Newly Elected Senate -- Eligibility for Election -- Dean Leonard Chaffes, College of Education: Newly Elected Senate -- Eligibility for Election -- Dean Walter Duerksen, College of Fine Arts: Newly Elected Senate -- Eligibility for Election -- Dean Fran Jabara, College of Business Administration: Newly Elected Senate -- Eligibility for Election -- Dean Paul Magelli, College of Liberal Arts: Newly Elected Senate -- Eligibility for Election -- Afro-American Program: Agenda Items Generated by Senate for Spring Faculty Meeting -- Standing Committee Final Reports for Spring -- Report on the Performance and Accomplishments -- Dorothy Sherman, Chairman, Court of Student Academic Appeals -- Standing Committee Report -- Recommendation and Description of the Accomplishments -- Gerald Heag, Chairman, University Traffic: Recommendation and Description of the Accomplishments -- James Gray, Chairman, Board of Student Publications: Recommendations and Description of Tasks -- John Preaseale, Chairman, Research: Recommendations and Description of Tasks -- Resignation Letter of Edward Carroll, Director of Libraries to the President: Concern and Regrets -- Motion to be Presented by the Interdisciplinary Studies Committee at the University Senate: Recommendations of the Interdisciplinary Studies Committee -- Chairman of the Honors Committee -- Election for the Vacant Position -- Replace on Traffic Committee for John Stanga: Recommendation for Replace -- Request for Fomulation of a Policy Made by Dean's Council: Findings after Review of Issue -- Recommendations to Insure Fair Treatment -- KSU Letter on Recommendations for Appointment, Tenure, Promotions, and Salary Increases
Wichita State University
Book Title
Wichita State University, University Senate Archives
PubMed ID