1998-09-14 Faculty Senate meeting
Faculty Senate
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Archival material
Archival material
Wichita State University , Faculty Senate , Shared governance , Meeting Agenda , Meeting minutes
Faculty Senate. Agenda and minutes of the meeting of September 14, 1998. -- Faculty Senate Meetings, 1998-1999, v.12
Table of Contents
Agenda: (President's report) -- (Committee reports): A. Rules / A. J. Mandt -- (New business): A. Wichita State University Parking Plan / Roger Lowe and John Gist -- (As may arise)
Minutes: Summary of action: 1. Joyce Cavarozzi elected to replace Fred Benson as a Senator At Large -- Fred Kraft elected to the Rules Committee -- 2. Motion passed to take the parking plan to the general faculty meeting on Sept. 30 -- 3. Added the Proposed Parking Plan to the General Faculty meeting agenda -- (President's report): Appointed Senator Dwight Murphey to be Parliamentarian -- Race Against Hunger scheduled for September 25/26 -- General Faculty Meeting September 30 -- Status of Presidential Search -- (Committee reports): Rules Committee / A. J. Mandt -- (New business): A. Wichita State University Parking Plan / Roger D. Lowe -- (As may arise): Proposal made that the Faculty Executive Committee meet with other executive committees of campus constituencies
Minutes: Summary of action: 1. Joyce Cavarozzi elected to replace Fred Benson as a Senator At Large -- Fred Kraft elected to the Rules Committee -- 2. Motion passed to take the parking plan to the general faculty meeting on Sept. 30 -- 3. Added the Proposed Parking Plan to the General Faculty meeting agenda -- (President's report): Appointed Senator Dwight Murphey to be Parliamentarian -- Race Against Hunger scheduled for September 25/26 -- General Faculty Meeting September 30 -- Status of Presidential Search -- (Committee reports): Rules Committee / A. J. Mandt -- (New business): A. Wichita State University Parking Plan / Roger D. Lowe -- (As may arise): Proposal made that the Faculty Executive Committee meet with other executive committees of campus constituencies
Wichita State University
Book Title
Wichita State University Faculty Senate Archives