2018-02-26 Faculty Senate meeting
Faculty Senate
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Wichita State University , Faculty Senate , Shared governance , Meeting Agenda , Meeting minutes
Faculty Senate. Agenda and minutes of the meeting of February 26, 2018. -- Faculty Senate Meetings, 2017-2018, v.31
Table of Contents
Agenda: (Informal statements and proposals) -- (President's report): KBOR update: Governor’s directive regarding training on Title IX/Internships -- Working on new planning document to follow Foresight 2020 -- KU, KSU, and WSU presented on Career Development paths for Faculty -- Innovation Campus developments: Updated map of Innovation campus developments -- Executive Committee is discussing better communication process with Admin about innovation developments -- New group has formed to discuss next steps to further WSU's mission -- Game Day parking -- Reminder to complete Accessbility Ally training -- Joint Senate meeting changed from March 7 to April 11 -- Badge Development discussion March 1 -- (Committee reports): Rules -- University T/P (1st reading) -- (Old business): Finalized HR policies (applicable to UP/USS): 3.15 Internal Dispute Resolution -- 3.41 Separation of employment -- 3.48 Coaching and Corrective Action -- Administrative leave -- (New business): BA in Applied Sciences (from College of Education) (1st reading): Letter of support -- (As may arise)
Attachments: Presidents Report - KBOR Update: Career Development paths for Faculty -- Building Updates on Innovation Campus: Spring 2018 Update Innovation Campus map -- Proposed update to the Tenure & Promotion process / University T&P Faculty Senate Committee: T/P Policy Recommendations; Policy with suggested revision (1st reading) -- Finalized HR Policies: 3.15 / Internal Dispute Resolution Process; 3.41 / Separation of Employment; 3.48 / Coaching and Corrective Action -- BA in Apllied Sciences (1st reading)
Minutes: Summary of action: Brandy Jackson was confirmed for University Admissions Exceptions Committee -- (Informal statements and proposals): Bobbi Dreilling’s recent retirement announced -- (Senate President's report): KBOR update: Governor’s directive regarding training on Title IX/Internships -- New Planning document to follow Foresight 2020 -- KU, KSU, and WSU presented plans for Career Development paths for faculty -- Innovation Campus developments: Reviewed an updated map of Innovation campus developments -- Executive Committee discussing better communication process with Admin about innovation developments -- New group formed to discuss next steps to further WSU's mission -- Game Day parking tickets -- Reminder to complete Accessibility Ally training -- Joint Senate meeting changed from March 7 to April 18 (to be confirmed) -- Badge Development discussion March 1 -- (Committee reports): Rules: Brandy Jackson for University Admissions Exceptions Committee -- University Tenure and Promotion: Discuss whether Tenure and Promotion to Associate should be a single vote, or two separate votes (1st reading) -- Jeff Pulski, Byaram Yildiirim and Dan Close were selected as at-large senators -- (Old business): Finalized HR policies (applicable to UP/USS): 3.15 Internal Dispute Resolution; 3.41 Separation of employment; 3.48 Coaching and Corrective Action; Administrative leave: These policies do not apply to faculty unless there are gaps in the current faculty policy -- (New business): BA in Applied Sciences (from College of Education) (1st reading) / Mark Vermillion -- (As may arise): Suggestion that Faculty Senate should produce a statement regarding the recent funding issues occurring between SGA and The Sunflower
Attachments: Presidents Report - KBOR Update: Career Development paths for Faculty -- Building Updates on Innovation Campus: Spring 2018 Update Innovation Campus map -- Proposed update to the Tenure & Promotion process / University T&P Faculty Senate Committee: T/P Policy Recommendations; Policy with suggested revision (1st reading) -- Finalized HR Policies: 3.15 / Internal Dispute Resolution Process; 3.41 / Separation of Employment; 3.48 / Coaching and Corrective Action -- BA in Apllied Sciences (1st reading)
Minutes: Summary of action: Brandy Jackson was confirmed for University Admissions Exceptions Committee -- (Informal statements and proposals): Bobbi Dreilling’s recent retirement announced -- (Senate President's report): KBOR update: Governor’s directive regarding training on Title IX/Internships -- New Planning document to follow Foresight 2020 -- KU, KSU, and WSU presented plans for Career Development paths for faculty -- Innovation Campus developments: Reviewed an updated map of Innovation campus developments -- Executive Committee discussing better communication process with Admin about innovation developments -- New group formed to discuss next steps to further WSU's mission -- Game Day parking tickets -- Reminder to complete Accessibility Ally training -- Joint Senate meeting changed from March 7 to April 18 (to be confirmed) -- Badge Development discussion March 1 -- (Committee reports): Rules: Brandy Jackson for University Admissions Exceptions Committee -- University Tenure and Promotion: Discuss whether Tenure and Promotion to Associate should be a single vote, or two separate votes (1st reading) -- Jeff Pulski, Byaram Yildiirim and Dan Close were selected as at-large senators -- (Old business): Finalized HR policies (applicable to UP/USS): 3.15 Internal Dispute Resolution; 3.41 Separation of employment; 3.48 Coaching and Corrective Action; Administrative leave: These policies do not apply to faculty unless there are gaps in the current faculty policy -- (New business): BA in Applied Sciences (from College of Education) (1st reading) / Mark Vermillion -- (As may arise): Suggestion that Faculty Senate should produce a statement regarding the recent funding issues occurring between SGA and The Sunflower
Wichita State University
Book Title
Wichita State University Faculty Senate Archives