The Sunflower, v.46, no.05 (October 10, 1940)
Issue Date
Archival material
Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Wheaties , Whock Club
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.46, no.5, Wichita, Kansas, October 10, 1940. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): New grades function as period ends -- Group analyzes university spirit -- Hockey team helps in ambulance drive -- Graham designated as I.S.A. sponsor -- Students begin flying at Municipal Airport -- Cancel booster trip to Oklahoma -- Forum speakers present parties political views -- Cap, ribbon sale closes on Friday -- City is host to teachers for meeting -- Milbourn named A.C.P.A. chairman -- Rydjord has full speaking schedule -- Chinese boy writes article for Spastic -- Unseen actor of W.U. plays is Gene Spangler -- Judges consider emblem entries -- Students are urged to submit photos -- Osborne picks Kindel queen on basis of poise, personality and pulchritude -- Debate planned with Texas U. -- New demo officers elected last Friday -- Straw vote to test W.U. on politics -- Foulston urges free enterprise -- Milbourn on committee -- Alpha Taus, D.O.'s sit for pictures -- Myers is eager for new talent to be displayed -- Setzer to head new order here -- Fischer will teach 'History of Operas' -- School directory will be out soon -- Grid squad will select 'pep' queen -- Republican club has free picnic -- Architects work on plans for stadium -- Croft asked to join in writing of book -- Facing the issue -- Oliver's travels -- University bulletin -- Collegiate world -- Shocker shots / Boles -- Flying Shockers sprout wings for air training -- Seivers opens new children's classes -- Gorham returns -- Andrews teaches -- Edgertons in New York -- Grad gossip: Alumni Association president weds -- Hawaiian dance to fete pledges of Kappa Rhos -- Frosh students to be entertained -- Independents hold dance in commons -- Roundabout the campus / Sue and Josie -- Alpha Tau alumnae entertain group -- Lamont starts third series of lectures Monday -- Sorosis will honor pledges at dance -- Hillbrand to speak -- University women to meet Saturday -- Brennan reelected Pegasus president -- Journalism group announces pledges -- Gamma mothers entertain at tea -- Four former campus students tell engagements and weddings -- Pan-American club to hold luncheon -- Johnson with K. G. & E. -- University players pledge -- Shockers tangle with tough Aggie outfit Saturday -- Teams plan for touch football -- Injuries hamper Shocker chances -- The dope bucket / Bob Jones -- St. Mary's drills at Shocker field -- Doubles matches must be played -- Hillbrand to speak -- Faculty golfers open tournament -- List of tournament entries still large -- Basketball practice is under way -- Intramural fall events scheduled -- Shockers flash late attack for win over Ravens -- Examinations given to freshman girls -- Gammas remain soccer champions of university -- Push construction of C.A.A. Edifice
Photograph(s): Cast for season's first play: New and veteran players will be combined for the play, "This Thing Called Love," to be presented Oct. 24, 25, and 26. Pictured above as the leading characters of the play are, from left to right in the first row - Nancy Park, Juliaenne Weaver, Jackie Murphy, and Katherine Nash. Second row - Jim Kiefner, Jack Caster, Gene Setzer, Fred Higginsen, and Morton Spector. p. 1 -- Elliott. p. 2 -- President's bride: Miss Natalie Ring, '35, who this week became the bride of Gifford M. Booth, Jr., president of the University Alumni Association. p. 2 -- Parnassus queen for 1941: "Her Majesty, Queen of Parnassus." This is the title bestowed upon lovely Jean Kindel, Sorosis, by bandleader Will Osborne last Friday evening. Miss Kindel was selected on the basis of beauty and personality from candidates from each sorority and the I.S.A. p. 3 -- Parnassus queen: Chosen queen of Parnassus by Will Osborne at last Friday night's ball, Miss Jean Kindel, Sorosis, is pictured here wearing Connie Moccasin Wedgies from Rorabaugh-Buck's Main Floor Shoe Salon. Miss Kindel will model college footwear at Rorabaugh-Buck's Saturday, October 12, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. p. 3 -- Jones. p. 4 -- Student yell leaders practice: From left to right, Lois Kaelson, Bill Clothler, and Bettie Penner practice their pep direction activities in preparation for the five remaining home football games of the Shockers. Since the men's and women's pep clubs, Whock and Wheaties, have merged their organizations this year, both men and women leaders will direct the cheering. Jack Coleman, fourth member of the group is not pictured. p. 4
Article(s): New grades function as period ends -- Group analyzes university spirit -- Hockey team helps in ambulance drive -- Graham designated as I.S.A. sponsor -- Students begin flying at Municipal Airport -- Cancel booster trip to Oklahoma -- Forum speakers present parties political views -- Cap, ribbon sale closes on Friday -- City is host to teachers for meeting -- Milbourn named A.C.P.A. chairman -- Rydjord has full speaking schedule -- Chinese boy writes article for Spastic -- Unseen actor of W.U. plays is Gene Spangler -- Judges consider emblem entries -- Students are urged to submit photos -- Osborne picks Kindel queen on basis of poise, personality and pulchritude -- Debate planned with Texas U. -- New demo officers elected last Friday -- Straw vote to test W.U. on politics -- Foulston urges free enterprise -- Milbourn on committee -- Alpha Taus, D.O.'s sit for pictures -- Myers is eager for new talent to be displayed -- Setzer to head new order here -- Fischer will teach 'History of Operas' -- School directory will be out soon -- Grid squad will select 'pep' queen -- Republican club has free picnic -- Architects work on plans for stadium -- Croft asked to join in writing of book -- Facing the issue -- Oliver's travels -- University bulletin -- Collegiate world -- Shocker shots / Boles -- Flying Shockers sprout wings for air training -- Seivers opens new children's classes -- Gorham returns -- Andrews teaches -- Edgertons in New York -- Grad gossip: Alumni Association president weds -- Hawaiian dance to fete pledges of Kappa Rhos -- Frosh students to be entertained -- Independents hold dance in commons -- Roundabout the campus / Sue and Josie -- Alpha Tau alumnae entertain group -- Lamont starts third series of lectures Monday -- Sorosis will honor pledges at dance -- Hillbrand to speak -- University women to meet Saturday -- Brennan reelected Pegasus president -- Journalism group announces pledges -- Gamma mothers entertain at tea -- Four former campus students tell engagements and weddings -- Pan-American club to hold luncheon -- Johnson with K. G. & E. -- University players pledge -- Shockers tangle with tough Aggie outfit Saturday -- Teams plan for touch football -- Injuries hamper Shocker chances -- The dope bucket / Bob Jones -- St. Mary's drills at Shocker field -- Doubles matches must be played -- Hillbrand to speak -- Faculty golfers open tournament -- List of tournament entries still large -- Basketball practice is under way -- Intramural fall events scheduled -- Shockers flash late attack for win over Ravens -- Examinations given to freshman girls -- Gammas remain soccer champions of university -- Push construction of C.A.A. Edifice
Photograph(s): Cast for season's first play: New and veteran players will be combined for the play, "This Thing Called Love," to be presented Oct. 24, 25, and 26. Pictured above as the leading characters of the play are, from left to right in the first row - Nancy Park, Juliaenne Weaver, Jackie Murphy, and Katherine Nash. Second row - Jim Kiefner, Jack Caster, Gene Setzer, Fred Higginsen, and Morton Spector. p. 1 -- Elliott. p. 2 -- President's bride: Miss Natalie Ring, '35, who this week became the bride of Gifford M. Booth, Jr., president of the University Alumni Association. p. 2 -- Parnassus queen for 1941: "Her Majesty, Queen of Parnassus." This is the title bestowed upon lovely Jean Kindel, Sorosis, by bandleader Will Osborne last Friday evening. Miss Kindel was selected on the basis of beauty and personality from candidates from each sorority and the I.S.A. p. 3 -- Parnassus queen: Chosen queen of Parnassus by Will Osborne at last Friday night's ball, Miss Jean Kindel, Sorosis, is pictured here wearing Connie Moccasin Wedgies from Rorabaugh-Buck's Main Floor Shoe Salon. Miss Kindel will model college footwear at Rorabaugh-Buck's Saturday, October 12, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. p. 3 -- Jones. p. 4 -- Student yell leaders practice: From left to right, Lois Kaelson, Bill Clothler, and Bettie Penner practice their pep direction activities in preparation for the five remaining home football games of the Shockers. Since the men's and women's pep clubs, Whock and Wheaties, have merged their organizations this year, both men and women leaders will direct the cheering. Jack Coleman, fourth member of the group is not pictured. p. 4
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.46 no.5
v.46 no.5