1925 Fairmount College Twenty-seventh Annual Commencement
Fairmount College
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Commencement programs
Commencement programs
Wichita State University - Degrees - Periodicals , Commencement ceremonies - Wichita State University , Academic rites and ceremonies , College graduates - Wichita State University , Academic degrees -Wichita State University , Fairmount College - Degrees - Periodicals , Commencement ceremonies - Fairmount College
Fairmount College. Twenty-seventh Annual Commencement. Wichita, Kansas, June 3, 1925. 8 pages
Table of Contents
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The twenty-seventh commencement program included invocation part featuring by Reverend J. Henry Hornung, commencement address by Dr. W. L. Burdick; music performances by Mr. Reno B. Meyers, Miss Winifred Palmer, Miss Jessie White and Mr. Myers. Conferring of degrees and announcements followed; benediction by Reverend M. L. Kramer.
The following degrees were conferred: Mary Haymaker, B.A.; Winifred Palmer, B.A.; Ralph Burgess, B.A.; Emeretta Farr, B.A.; Myrle Forman, B.A.; Opal Gunning, B.A.; Guy Hutchinson, B.A.; Wanda Lee, B.A.; Laura McMullen, B.A.; Donald Allen, B.A.; Pansy Baird, B.A.; Susanne Baxter, B.A.; Harold Beams, B.A.; Valeda Blackburn, B.A.; Howard Cuer, B.A.; Edward Detrick, B.A.; Harold Hoffman, B.A.; Catherine Huxtable, B.A.; Horace Jorgensen, B.A.; Eldon Keidd, B.A.; Claude Kice, B.A.; Helen Larkin, B.A.; Frances Lewis, B.A.; August Longhofer, B.A.; Marcella Lyman, B.A.; Leo Malone, B.A.; Mary Esther Mueller, B.A.; Lloyd McBurney, B.A.; Earl McCaslin, B.A.; Clara Ott, B.A.; Lelah Roll, B.A.; Ora Stewart, B.A.; Mary Tipler, B.A.; Orville Van Horn, B.A.; Adeline Wencl, B.A.; James Whitacre, B.A.; Raymond Whitney, B.A.; Mary Williams, B.A.; Alberta Wilson, B.A.; Walter Woods, B.A.; Marcella Yoho, B.A.; Marguerite Zickefoose, B.A.; Mary Anne Tipler, B.Mus.; College Conservatory: Harriet Clark Bowen, Diploma; Mildred Hargis, Diploma; Sister Mary Madeline, Diploma; Winifred DeWitt Palmer, Diploma; Margaret Ruth Cloniger, Diploma; Sister Mary Athansius, Certificate; Esther Helen Mueller, Certificate; Eleanor Gerteis, Certificate; Sister Mary Euphrasia, Certificate; Roy F. Metcalf, Certificate; Ruth Paxton Knapp, Certificate; Blanche Myers, Certificate; Ruth Stevens, Certificate; Mildred Orr, Certificate; Olive Kooken, Certificate
The twenty-seventh commencement program included invocation part featuring by Reverend J. Henry Hornung, commencement address by Dr. W. L. Burdick; music performances by Mr. Reno B. Meyers, Miss Winifred Palmer, Miss Jessie White and Mr. Myers. Conferring of degrees and announcements followed; benediction by Reverend M. L. Kramer.
The following degrees were conferred: Mary Haymaker, B.A.; Winifred Palmer, B.A.; Ralph Burgess, B.A.; Emeretta Farr, B.A.; Myrle Forman, B.A.; Opal Gunning, B.A.; Guy Hutchinson, B.A.; Wanda Lee, B.A.; Laura McMullen, B.A.; Donald Allen, B.A.; Pansy Baird, B.A.; Susanne Baxter, B.A.; Harold Beams, B.A.; Valeda Blackburn, B.A.; Howard Cuer, B.A.; Edward Detrick, B.A.; Harold Hoffman, B.A.; Catherine Huxtable, B.A.; Horace Jorgensen, B.A.; Eldon Keidd, B.A.; Claude Kice, B.A.; Helen Larkin, B.A.; Frances Lewis, B.A.; August Longhofer, B.A.; Marcella Lyman, B.A.; Leo Malone, B.A.; Mary Esther Mueller, B.A.; Lloyd McBurney, B.A.; Earl McCaslin, B.A.; Clara Ott, B.A.; Lelah Roll, B.A.; Ora Stewart, B.A.; Mary Tipler, B.A.; Orville Van Horn, B.A.; Adeline Wencl, B.A.; James Whitacre, B.A.; Raymond Whitney, B.A.; Mary Williams, B.A.; Alberta Wilson, B.A.; Walter Woods, B.A.; Marcella Yoho, B.A.; Marguerite Zickefoose, B.A.; Mary Anne Tipler, B.Mus.; College Conservatory: Harriet Clark Bowen, Diploma; Mildred Hargis, Diploma; Sister Mary Madeline, Diploma; Winifred DeWitt Palmer, Diploma; Margaret Ruth Cloniger, Diploma; Sister Mary Athansius, Certificate; Esther Helen Mueller, Certificate; Eleanor Gerteis, Certificate; Sister Mary Euphrasia, Certificate; Roy F. Metcalf, Certificate; Ruth Paxton Knapp, Certificate; Blanche Myers, Certificate; Ruth Stevens, Certificate; Mildred Orr, Certificate; Olive Kooken, Certificate
Wichita State University
Book Title
Wichita State University commencement programs