The Sunflower, 1931-1932, no.02, September 23, 1931

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.37, no.2, Wichita, Kansas, September 23, 1931. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Regents announce program: Plan to include erection of campus buildings, paving of drives -- Teachers Bureau places 73 grads -- Fine Arts college offers new course -- R.O.T.C. band represents army unit this year -- Stadium room given to dramatics class -- D.A.R. to erect campus flagpole -- Caps to be worn by frosh: Tug-of-war will determine whether new comers equal to sophs -- Announce first army positions -- Business school adds instructors -- Voluntary convocation? -- Career pamphlets assist students -- Students express church preference -- Decreased taxes to reduce budget -- Marksmen shoot in national meet -- Army men to vie for commissions -- Scholarship cup goes to Webster -- To keep record of pre-medic students -- Class to elect officers -- Marksmen shoot in national matches -- Appropriation for Parnassus will be decided by Board -- Politics and frats discussed by Chinese student here -- Social chairman selected -- Debate season will open with Winfield tournament in Dec. -- Buying records in Vienna takes a whole afternoon -- Graduate School largest in history -- Depression hits campus: Students become frugal -- Staples returns from art tour -- Declare Spanish people regarded monarch as fraud: Madrid correspondent robs Alfonso's abdication of all dreams; Flays exiled king -- Clough sends back for more volumes -- Shocker society: Rush parties form center of week's social activities; Former students pledge nationals; Romantic antics; Pre-Medic Club will become honorary frat; University Gliders owns four planes; Alpha Gams holds first informal of social activities; Fraternity group meetings begin; Miss Mary Sipple elected as new French Club head -- Woman experiment with tiny daughter; A "perfect child": Allows baby to crawl in garden naked in coldest weather; Savagely healthy / Lucienne Price -- Shocker gridmen scrimmage under lights Wednesday: Varsity and second squads have heavy workout this week -- Miss Hinton wins archery trophy -- Dorothy Evans wins city golf tourney -- Oklahoma runner wins in Canadian exposition games -- W.U. football candidates come from 4 other states
Photograph(s): Student Council representative from freshman class: Miss Frances Lafoon, 904 S. Lawrence, who, elected to be student council representative of the freshman class, is the only girl officer. p. 3 -- Coach Gebert: Above is shown Albert Gebert who has resumed his duties as head football coach at the University of Wichita. He is being assisted by Joe Locke, line coach. p. 4 -- Shocker lineup for C. of E.: Pictured above is the probable lineup of the University of Wichita football team which will face its first opponents, College of Emporia, October 3rd. p. 4
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.37 no.2
PubMed ID