2016-05-09 Faculty Senate meeting

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Faculty Senate
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Wichita State University , Faculty Senate , Shared governance , Meeting Agenda , Meeting minutes
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Faculty Senate. Agenda and minutes of the meeting of May 9, 2016. -- Faculty Senate Meetings, 2015-2016, v.29
Table of Contents
Agenda: (Informal statements and proposals): Recognition of Jeri Carroll (Curriculum and Instruction) -- (President's report) -- (Committee reports): A. Executive Committee, T&P Boyer Model -- B. Planning and Budget / Peer H. Moore-Jansen -- C. Standing Committee Annual Reports: Faculty Affairs -- General Education -- Scholarship & Student Aid -- Tenure & Promotion -- (Old business): A. Tenure Ad hoc committee: Charge -- B. Proposed Tenure & Promotion model (2nd reading) -- Background Paper on the UniScope Model of Scholarship -- (New business): SGA Resolutions -- (As may arise)
Attachments: Unified Faculty Scholarship Model Resolution -- SGA Recommending Mandatory Diversity Training for University Faculty and Staff Based on Findings of the Diversity Task Force's Research -- SGA-Student Physical Privacy Act
Minutes: Summary of actions: 1- Accepted General Education Report -- 2. Accepted appointment of Peer Moore-Jansen as At-Large Member to the Tenure and Promotion Committee -- 3. Accepted UniScope Tenure and Promotion Model -- (Informal statements and proposals): Recognition of Jeri Carroll (Curriculum and Instruction) to take place May 11 -- (President's report): a. Approval of a first-year seminar -- b. Accepted revision to the University Admissions and Exceptions Committee admission exception policy allowing the Admissions Office to handle some exceptions with the UAEC monitoring the process -- c. Faculty salaries -- d. Weapons policy development and the need for faculty to be engaged in the discussion -- e. Potential merger between WSU and WATC -- f. Presentations made by Pat Hanrahan (United Way Campaign), David Moses (University Council), Dr. Elizabeth King (Foundation President and CEO), Gina Crabtree (Registrar) and Dr. David Wright (Associate Vice President for Academic Data Systems and Chief Data Officer) -- g. Three resolutions came to the Senate from SGA -- h. UniScope model -- (Committee reports): a. Planning and Budget Committee (see item "c" in President's report) -- b. Standing Committee annual reports: i. General Education -- ii. Rules Committee / Senator Yildirim -- (Old business): a. Proposed Tenure & Promotion Model: UniScope Model of Scholarship (2nd Reading) / Senator Barut -- (As may arise): Tenure Ad Hoc Committee information: a. House Bill 2531 / Jay Price -- b. Invited individuals interested to be part of a conversation and noted the need to be proactive regarding this issue / Jay Price -- c. Commended President Moore-Jansen on his good work this year / Senator Celestin -- d. Senators Barut, Walker and Ross were recognized for their contributions to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee
Wichita State University
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Wichita State University Faculty Senate Archives
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