The Sunflower, v.39, no.14 (January 3, 1934)

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Gamma Chi , Gridiron Club
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.39, no.14, Wichita, Kansas, January 3, 1934. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Election of president is deadlocked -- Judges begin selections on Kodak contest -- Elect Crost to N.S.F.A. Committee -- Working college students are harmed by lack of play -- Enrollment completed by January 20 -- Walton names senior class committee -- Music groups plan future performances -- Omega plays to be on Feb.1-2 -- Dr. Sepmeier attends German language meet -- Otto Fischer presents program at Library Club -- Library secures reference books -- Students oppose schools' merger -- Elliott attends committee meet -- Consultation hours for registration announced -- Applied Music students to appear in recital -- Father of two students of University dies -- Journalism cottage is remodeled during recess -- The past week / Bob Clark -- A New Deal resolution / Ila Banta -- Little America Aviation and Exploration Club with Byrd at the South Pole / C. A. Abele, Jr. -- Nebraska is fossil yard -- Europe attracts Chinese students -- University students' father dies suddenly -- Roundabout -- College women the inspiration of all designers -- Kappa Rho's to give benefit tea -- Campusology -- Sororities -- Club -- Engagements and marriages occupy U. social calendar -- Alpha Tau Sigma sponsors luncheon -- Original colophon, the Gridion Club organized in 1929 -- Semi-formal to open New Year -- Chieftains win over Brown Paper Mills in close race -- Men's sports / Alan Coffman -- Hornets boost cage stock in holiday tilts -- Schedule first women's rifle match Jan. 19 -- Grid selection sponsored by college paper -- Women's sports / Jean Van Arsdale -- Underdog wins as Lions take the Rose Bowl Classic -- Study is basis of superstitions -- Mayas invent the zero sign -- Naturalness in beauty is cry of men Greeks
Photograph(s): Wins office: Tom Croft, president of the Student Council, who was elected one of the three members of the national executive committee at the meeting of the N.S.F.A. in Washington D.C. during the holidays. / photo courtesy Wichita Eagle. p. 1 -- Gives concerts: Dean Thurlow Lieurance will conduct the symphony orchestra and chorus in appearances throughout Kansas and surrounding states. / photo courtesy Wichita Beacon. p. 1 -- Harold June. p. 2 -- Engagement is revealed: Miss Mary Jane Clampitt, daughter of Mrs. Anna V. Clampitt, will become the bride of Edgar Schaefer on January 25. Both Miss Clampitt and Mr. Schaefer attended the University of Wichita. Miss Clampitt was affiliated with Pi Kappa Psi sorority and was honorary colonel of the R.O.T.C. Unit last year. / photo courtesy Wichita Beacon. p. 3 -- Attendant: Miss Jean Gruber, who will be the attendant at the wedding of Miss Mary Jane Clampitt to Edgar Schaffer on January 25. / photo courtesy Wichita Beacon. p. 3 -- Former W.U. player: Francis Johnson, former Shocker threat, is playing with the Wichita Gridleys. Until recently Johnson was with the Reno Creameries. / photo courtesy Wichita Beacon. p. 4 -- Captains Wichita Gridley's [sic]: Capt. Barry Dunham, who was piloting the fast Wichita Gridley's [sic]. The Gridley's [sic] defeated the Brown Paper Mills team last night. / photo courtesy Wichita Beacon. p. 4
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.39 no.14
PubMed ID