2013-05-13 Faculty Senate Meeting

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Wichita State University , Faculty Senate , Shared governance , Meeting Agenda , Meeting minutes
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Faculty Senate. Agenda and minutes of the Faculty Senate meeting of May 13, 2013. -- Faculty Senate Meetings, 2012-2013, v.26
Table of Contents
Agenda: (Informal statements and proposals) -- (President’s report): A. Recap of the 2012-2013 Senate Year -- (Committee reports): Standing Committee Annual Reports 2012-13: General Education; Rules; University Admissions and Exceptions -- (Old business): a. Proposal from Academic Affairs – 2nd reading: The same hours can be used to meet the requirements of more than one major or minor or combination thereof within the following conditions: 1. At least 12 hours of unduplicated coursework beyond the duplicated hours must be completed in each major. This rule applies to second majors earned in the same degree as well as to second degrees. 2. In minors requiring 15 hours or less, at least three hours of unduplicated coursework must be completed in each minor. Courses in the major include all courses beyond general education and college requirements which are required to achieve that major; this would include courses in subject areas outside the major subject area. Colleges and/or departments may impose further restrictions on the use of duplicated hours for their programs, majors and/or minors. Double majors across colleges (DMAC), defined as a primary major in one of the professional schools (Business, Education, Health Professions, Fine Arts, Engineering) and secondary major in Liberal Arts and Sciences may continue to use duplicate coursework without limitations. -- (As may arise)
Attachments: 2nd reading: Duplicate use of courses in majors, minors, and degrees / Academic Affairs Committee
Minutes: Summary of action: 1. Accepted the Committee annual reports from: General Education; Rules; University Admissions and Exceptions -- 2. Tabled the proposal from Academic Affairs regarding duplication of hours for majors/minors -- (Informal statements and proposals): Thanked Senate for service and cooperation during the year and recapped the 2012-2013 year: A. Executive Committee conducted an evaluation of a proposal from the College of Engineering Senior Faculty Group to reorganize the mechanical engineering and bio-engineering programs within the college -- B. Faculty Affairs Committee completed University Tenure Review Policy and Procedure; approved by the full Faculty Senate and submitted to the Provost’s Office in March -- C. President Bardo requested the Faculty Senate’s nominations for the Vice President of Academic Affairs Search Committee -- D. Revisions of University Policies and Procedures Section 5.06 Resolution of Internal Disputes were completed by the Rules Committee; approved by Faculty Senate and submitted to the Provost -- E. President Ross worked with Vice President Herrin, President Bardo and the members of the WSU Executive Team to address salary spread -- F. Faculty Senate was given the authority to provide the ten faculty members of the WSU Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) -- G. Senate approved the revisions to the General Education Program proposed by the General Education Committee -- H. Senate approved recommendations from the Academic Affairs Committee regarding the University’s Repeat Policy and received a recommendation from the committee regarding the duplication of credit between multiple majors and minors -- I. Expressed his gratitude to the Senate for its support and said that it had been his privilege to serve as this year’s President -- (Committee reports): Standing Committee Annual Reports: A. University Admissions and Exceptions Committee presented summary of committee activities / Senator Mehmet -- B. Rules Committee: Update of grievances, review and modifications of Policy and Procedures Section 5.06 / Senator Mosack -- C. General Education Committee: Brief overview of activities and focus on General Education assessment / Senator Rillema -- (Old business): Second reading of a proposal from Academic Affairs Committee -- (As may arise): Spoke on behalf of the entire Senate and praised President Ross’s leadership and thanked him for his service to the Senate and the University during his presidency / Senator DeSilva
Wichita State University
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Wichita State University Faculty Senate Archives
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