The Sunflower, 1927-1928, no.27, April 4, 1928

Thumbnail Image
Issue Date
Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Academic requirements , Administrative personnel , Clough, Flora , American Association of University Women (A.A.U.W.) , Department of Applied Arts , Gracey, Frank , Sprague, Elizabeth, 1862-1936
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.21, no.27, Wichita, Kansas, April 4, 1928. - 8 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Nine additions to be made to W.U. '28 teaching staff: Thirty-four professors re-appointed for like positions next year; Two resignations accepted -- Captain Gate will speak on aviation -- A beauty spot -- Dr. Claxton to deliver graduating address: Former Commissioner of Education will speak before members of the 1928 graduating class -- Hammond makes staff -- Student Council adopts dates for spring elections: May Queen and Chancellor to be selected by student body on April 13; Student Council on May 4 -- 500 letters issued by Education dean: Interview With Dean Troxel reveals fact that many untrained teachers are now employed -- New card catalog made -- Application made for A.A.U.W. membership: Dean Grace Wilkie and Dr. Hazel Branch represent University at Fort Worth meet -- French Club makes plans for meeting -- $50,000 hut will be constructed by campus Y.M.C.A. -- Student Council has important meeting -- Dean Mikesell fills 4 speaking engagements -- Sketches and skits -- W.U. Library head observes tradition -- Dr. Sepmeier receives data on scholarship -- Civil Service exams will be given soon -- French play given by freshmen boys -- Departmental ditties / E. F. S. -- Fine Arts presents "The Valkyrie" Sunday -- Seat sale opens for Little Theater plays -- Sociology students visit Winfield Home -- "Women in Politics" subject of meeting -- Dean Rosenberry speaks to W.U. girls former Dean of Women at Wisconsin addresses W.U. girls on subject of vocations -- An excellent addition -- Thank you, Mrs. Rosenberry -- A Parnassus or a grand flop? -- A co-ed's diary -- Epsilon Kappas honor pledges at banquet -- Phi Upsilon to give first spring formal -- Sorosis -- Phi Upsilon Sigma -- Alpha Tau Sigma -- Pi Kappa Psi -- Phi Lamda [sic] Psi -- Omega Upsilon benefit bridge -- Seniors entertain at informal dance -- Delta Omega to give spring formal Monday -- Y.W.C.A. meeting -- Alpha Gamma Gamma -- Pi Alpha Pi -- German Club -- Miss Elizabeth Sprague holds many old Fairmount memories -- American Indian legends, art and traditions herein described / Cornelia Saxton -- Pianissimo / Mary Bowling -- Freshmen girls win basketball tourney -- Track team plans to extend activities -- Ancient coins hold secrets of wars and ancient civilization -- New book shipment received by Library
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.21 no.27
PubMed ID