2013-03-11 Faculty Senate meeting

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Faculty Senate
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Wichita State University , Faculty Senate , Shared governance , Meeting Agenda , Meeting minutes
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Journal Issue
Faculty Senate. Agenda and minutes of the meeting of March 11, 2013. -- Faculty Senate Meetings, 2012-2013, v.26
Table of Contents
Agenda: (President's report) -- (Committee reports): A. Rules Committee: revisions to Resolution of Internal Disputes, 5.06 / Victoria Mosack -- B. Academic Affairs Committee: WSU Course change forms / Nick Solomey -- C. Faculty Affairs Committee: Post Tenure review / Walter Horn
Attachments: WSU Post tenure review policy and procedure, 3/14/2013 -- WSU Post tenure review policy and procedure, 3/20/2013
Minutes: Summary of action: 1. Accepted the proposed revisions to 5.06, Resolution of Internal Disputes -- 2. Endorsed the revisions to the WSU Curriculum Change forms as presented by the Academic Affairs Committee -- (President's report): A. VPAA Search -- B. Faculty Ombudsperson -- C. KBOR: Post Tenure Review Policy continues to be a topic of interest to constituencies meeting with the KBOR -- Asked for a show of hands from the Senate as an indication of the Senate's support of the Faculty of the Year Award designated by the KBOR -- Senate Executive Committee would consider the need for faculty input in the Dean's Evaluation process -- D. Expressed extreme sadness over the loss of Fritz Hemans, Senate President 2010-11 -- (Committee reports): A. Rules Committee: Proposed several revisions to the Resolution of Internal Disputes Polley as amended in the last Senate meeting -- University Admissions and Exceptions Committee was in need of a replacement member for the remainder of the year -- Request from the Academic Operations Council for advice regarding an existing process to inform faculty and advisors of approved changes in the curriculum other than the catalog -- B. Academic Affairs Committee: Presented the three new WSU Curriculum Change forms to the Senate / Nick Solomey -- C. Faculty Affairs Committee: Presented the first reading of the committee's proposed "Wichita State Post Tenure Review Policy and Procedure" / Walter Horn
Wichita State University
Book Title
Wichita State University Faculty Senate Archives
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