The Sunflower, v.66, no.48 (April 13, 1962)

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Gardner, Dorothy , Hines, Robert
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.66, no.48, Wichita, Kansas, April 13, 1962. - 6 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Spanish National Honorary Society honors 11 majors -- Me, superstitious? Watch that cat -- Shaw military satire season's final drama -- 6 sign-up for fourth WU European seminar -- 'Fine Arts Festival' series closes with Mozart requiem -- 'Cat' drama '2-bit Flick' for Saturday -- Debaters go into finals at Indiana U. -- Mikrokosmos sale planned for April 30 -- SGA student paid position now open -- Editorial views: Peace Corps future; Slow down - think -- The readers speak: Reader criticizes boxing comments / Bill Thyfault -- Realm of books -- Cop, Robber shows to fade from scene / Jack Cole -- WU symphonic band to appear on final 'Music Time' program -- Library hrs. listed -- Counseling set for April 30 -- 9 YW posts open -- WU Keglers rated no. 1 in averages -- Authority on U.N., William Frye, will speak on campus, April 30 -- Sports spinale [sic] / Roger Doyle -- Annual invitational track meet held at Veteran's Field today / Tom Mallisee -- Shockers ready for spring golf, track, tennis contests -- Graduate art student offers glimpse into world of canvas / Mary Jane Dunlap -- National study shows college 'smart' varies -- Razak to present engineering film -- Business frat holds election
Photograph(s): Sigma Delta Pi, national honor society, will hold initiation procedures tonight. Pictured above are Betty Barwick (left), Dr. Eugene Savainno, Linda Trovillo, Dr. Dorothy Gardner, and Linda Campbell. p. 1 -- Friday the 13th: For the superstitious, today does not look promising. The sages suggest you avoid all black cats crossing your path and re-route yourself around ladders. But' most University students are unable to afford this luxury of staying at home to avoid these plights. Oh well, who’s superstitious . . . knock on wood. / photo by Tom Doan. p. 1 -- The final program in the Fine Arts Festival series will be presented tonight and tomorrow night. Robert Hines, director, is shown here practicing with the group that will perform. / photo by Tom Doan. p. 1 -- CAC bowling team members are (left) Dave Melvy, Gill [illegible], Ben Whisenand, Bruce Fischer, Ron Watson, Ed Brehm, Ralph LaFever, coach. Not shown are Del Daniels and Norm Baracz. p. 4 -- Dick Moses, graduate art student, is pictured here with one of the paintings exhibited in the graduate 'exhibition' now being displayed in the Little Gallery, Art Building. p. 6
"Glimpse of Artist's World See Page 6"
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.66 no.48
PubMed ID