The Sunflower, v.46, no.36 (May 29, 1941)

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College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Hillbrand, Earl K. , Hanson, Gordon , Sculptures
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.46, no.36, Wichita, Kansas, May 29, 1941. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Army camps will assist in education / Guy Harvey -- Angulo to conduct tours to Mexico -- College men asked to enlist in Navy -- Former Shocker killed in crash -- Blue Key names Kendrick as new group president -- Marsh will become naval ensign soon -- 'Winged Victory' statue has historic background -- Men's glee club starts organ fund -- Flying students finish instruction -- Education teachers listed in Who's Who -- Today's issue is last of series -- Brazilian boy will write to American -- I.S.A. to sponsor all-school mixer -- Twelve strive for high degree -- University places two more teachers -- Monument group sponsors contest -- Coed tells of flight from battered home in France / Marie Lorraine Powell -- Library week-end schedule changed -- Airplane crash fatal for two C.A.A. students -- M'Donald will go to three exercises -- Army forms flying units for cadets -- Four programs set for summer session -- N.Y.A. out-of-school jobs show increase -- Oliver's travels -- University bulletin -- Facing the issue -- Collegiate world / Associated Collegiate Press -- Shocker shots / Boles -- Typed on a Wednesday - Columnist presents palm branches, votes of thanks / Fred Higginson -- New publication invites writers -- Price of yearbook covers to increase -- Grad gossip: Alumni banquet to climax school year -- Drama sorority to entertain at Crestview dance -- Feldner here -- Sorosis to hold annual banquet for graduates -- McVey to be new Colophon president -- Dean attends institute -- Briggs is chosen honor woman by Kappa Delta Pi -- Spring nuptials brighten campus social calendar -- Roundabout the campus / Josie College -- Alpha Gam alumni have annual dinner -- Twins born here -- Reporter, locked in bookstore, watches candy bars come to life at midnight / Catherine Schermuly -- Music students to play -- Ten will attend Estes conference -- Elliott buys pictures -- Gammas take '41 trophy in intramurals -- Habits acquired at home are important in college -- Charley horse chatter / Mandle and Jones -- Many university teachers make summer plans -- Fantastic fads in cheating seen as finals finish -- Wishful students dream of dancing on Commons roof -- Ramblers win championship in softball -- 179 women compete in intramural play -- Sunflower all-star team -- Dream carries reporter to campus in year 1960 / Gleason Seaman -- Rarick resigns athletic post -- Fish discover interesting facts about W.U. athletes / Mandle-Jones -- Chilean graduates work on U.S. papers
Photograph(s): Elliott. p. 2 -- Higginson. p. 2 -- Denison is visitor: Ross Denison, student council president of last year and a member of Pi Alpha Pi, was a recent visitor on the university campus. Denison was recently married to the former Lela Jean Chambers, and he is now employed by the Jett and Wood Co. p. 2 -- Honor woman: Nan Briggs, senior, has been chosen as outstanding woman in the College of Education by a committee composed of members of Kappa Delta Pi, and heads of departments. p. 3 -- Dance chairman: Arrangements for the last all-school mixer of the year which will be held tonight in the women's gymnasium, are being directed by Carolyn McMahon, freshman member of the I.S.A. p. 3 -- Matrix head: Jane Jones, university junior, is the newly-elected president of Matrix, honorary journalism sorority. p. 3
"From The Sunflower -- Congratulations, grads! Next year we'll see you in volume 47"
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.46 no.36
PubMed ID