The Sunflower, 1928-1929, no.05, October 29, 1928

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Petroff, Alexander N. , Aeronautical Engineering , Wilner Auditorium , The Brig , Central Conference Peace Association , Magnetic stone
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.22, no.5, Wichita, Kansas, October 29, 1928. - 8 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Shockers smash way to victory over Washburn -- R.O.T.C. will appear in complete uniform -- Name Girl Rooters for pep society -- Gridsters to Hays Saturday for stiff game with teachers -- Takes his classes to local factories: Petroff also does laboratory work downtown, and will soon have seaplane out -- Foght to Oklahoma -- Plan one drive for charity, not three -- Two photographs added to college -- First college press association in state is organized here: Kenneth Friedel elected president of organization; Select headquarters -- All W.U. knows him / George Harrison -- Studying life of Mrs. Carter -- One of six to give an aero degree -- Alden Brooks will edit frosh gazette -- Has part in Thorpe dinner by C. of C.: University sends Lieurance, Glee Club, and McClintock to publisher’s banquet -- The call of fate / Kurt A. Sepmeier -- New suits for R.O.T.C. -- Formal and informal / Marian Grey Franklin: A tacky dance is Webster’s party; Pi Kappa Psi; Men of Webster; Alpha Gamma Gamma; Pi Apha Pi; Party by D.O. is Hallowe’en dance -- Epsilon Kappa Rho; Holyoke Hall girls are gay hostesses; Pi Kap entertains with a masquerade; She equips "Brig"; Sororis; Y.W.C.A.; The auditorium; Spanish Club; 194 in sororities; German Club; Delta Omega; Art Club; Pre-medic; Phi Upsilon Sigma -- On the gridiron / Arnold McClintock: Magrnetic stone is on U. of W. campus -- 19 men turn out for Johnson’s call; W.A.A. to K.U.
Photograph(s): Tex. p. 3 -- With the arrival of new uniforms for junior and senior members the R.O.T.C. takes on a radical change in appearance. Above is shown Curtis Anderson, senior, in one of the new outfits. p. 5 -- The new hall. p. 7
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.22 no.5
PubMed ID