The Sunflower, v.46, no.16 (January 9, 1941)

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College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- Histor , International Relations Club , Hoare, Arthur J. , Lieurance, Thurlow, 1878-1963 , International Relations Club , Political Science Club , Institute of Logopedics , Shocker Stadium
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.46, no.16, Wichita, Kansas, January 9, 1941. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Orchestra will play at convo today -- Second camera contest starts -- Lieurance music banned from air -- Wright to audit clubs' accounts -- Chemical group head will talk here tomorrow -- Two represent W.U. at meeting -- Hillbrand publishes article of tribute -- Construction on university's $100,000 stadium begins when Wichita's mayor lifts initial shovelful of earth -- Next all-school varsity will be pre-final fling -- KFBI to carry weekly debates -- Brown returns from convention in New Jersey -- Here is your schedule for final examinations -- Males invading exclusive field of stenography -- Positions given to former students -- Board to name staff members for Sunflower -- M'Donald talks on health plan -- Tardy schedules to be assessed -- R.O.T.C. assists national effort toward defense -- Political club receives books -- Rydjord witnesses death Balderas -- Final exams will start here Jan. 20 -- Wilner selects unusual comedy -- Government to give exam soon -- Facing the issue -- University bulletin -- Oliver's travels -- Collegiate world -- Shocker shots / Boles -- Dean Hoare tell story of long college career -- Apple men smile as drive to sell crop is effective -- New hat styles, use grapefruit; baskets, apples -- Grad gossip: alumni organization promotes expansion -- Grads can get 1941 Parnassus -- Y.W.C.A. group announce plans on W.U. campus -- Group entertained at gay festivities -- Friends pep club to visit Wheaties -- Roundabout the campus / Sue and Josie -- Art director to speak -- Kaelson leaves on dancing tour in eastern cities -- University club elects new head -- Dean attends conference -- Rydjord to speak -- Missouri U. bids for Allman's new daughter - in 1958 -- Instructor suggests balancing book on head as a guide for smooth dancing / Rose Marie Marshall -- Honor fraternity to sponsor dance -- Sipple to preside -- Last-minute survey outlines rules designed to overcome finals jinx / Jo Rice -- Flo Brown speech staff grows from two to 26 during seven years -- Weddings mark social calendar on W.U. campus -- Y.W. to hold meet -- Mikesell returns -- Shockers to travel for three games -- Four home games left for locals -- Ping pong meet reaches finals -- M'Donald elected president of club -- The dope bucket / Bob Jones -- Intramural rifle competition begins -- De Hon pleased with showing of freshman squad / Gene Steinke -- Handball play to third round -- Wichita captures third place in Topeka tourney -- Shockers drop Maryville tilt -- Here are your Shocker basketeers -- Badminton will begin on Monday -- Gym gems / Frances Blume -- Shockers asked to enter boxing meet at Emporia -- Websters climb to bowling lead
Photograph(s): Officials start work on new Shocker stadium: The initial shovel of dirt was dug by Mayor Elmer Corn in the ground-breaking ceremony held on the campus of the University of Wichita Monday, Jan. 6, starting construction on the new $100,000 stadium amid a surrounding of snow and wintry breezes. Officials pictures above with Mayor Corn are, from left to right, C.L. Alberding, WPA official; Roy W. Elliott, University comptroller; Gifford M. Booth, Jr., president of the University Alumni Association; G. Hartwell, engineer; Mayor Corn; Coach Harry Marr; Coach Al Gebert; Leslie B. Sipple, dean of the College of Education; Frank A. Neff, dean of the College of Business Administration, and E.A. Welsh, superintendent of grounds. p. 1 -- Elliott. p. 2 -- Tom Barr: Barr to Army - Second Lt. Thomas A. Barr, '39, has been stationed at Ft. Huachuca, Ariz., for active duty in the regular army. While at the university Lieutenant Barr won a position on the Men's Honor Five, Blue Key, national honor fraternity, and was a member of Alpha Gamma Gamma fraternity and Scabbard and Blade. Since his graduation he has been employed by the Fourth National Bank in Wichita. p. 2 -- Mrs. John Glades. p. 2 -- John Glades. p. 2 -- H.B. Simpson: Simpson in Air Corps - Howard B. Simpson, '35, is among the 280 cadets now at Randolph Field, Tex., completing the basic training course to enable him to become a full-fledged pilot in the U.S. Air Corps, according to word received from the Public Relations office there. Mr. Simpson will soon be transferred to Kelly Field for a final 10 weeks' instruction before receiving his wings and commission in the air corps. While at this school, Mr. Simpson was active in athletics and played football for three years, receiving his school letter. He was also a member of Alpha Gamma Gamma social fraternity. p. 2 -- Don K. Enoch: Enoch starts chapter - Don K. Enoch, '37, has organized an Atwood, Kan. chapter of the university Alumni Association. Enoch is supervisor of music in Atwood High School. More than 75 per cent of students are taking music, Enoch reports. A course in flag twirling has been introduced this year with so much success it has been reported in the Topeka Daily Capital and the Kansas State Music Review. p. 2 -- Norma Webb. p. 3 -- New secretary: Betty Ann Adams, who recently accepted the job of secretary to Dean Wilkie following the resignation of Virginia Palmer. p. 3 -- Jones. p. 4 -- Williams. p. 4 -- Freshman squad: The Shocker freshman squad, pictured above, has been commended by Coach Ray De Hon as one of the best teamworking outfits that he has ever coached. From left to right, front row, the roster includes - Hyndeman, Fleek, Wallace, Strain, Sooby, and Steinke. Back row - Becker, Stauffer, Towle, Metager, Rush, Frazier, Plummer, and Bourne. p. 4
"Blue Key says - Don't pay for pleasure with your life; be a careful driver."
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.46 no.16
PubMed ID