The Sunflower, v.39, no.23 (March 7, 1934)

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.39, no.23, Wichita, Kansas, March 7, 1934. - 6 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): 89 students get checks for service -- W.U. one of fives schools to secure new president -- Library adds thirteen new members to staff -- University 4-H chapter formed -- Ten congressmen of United States are foreign born -- May Day fete is announced for May 1 -- Make drawings for Hippodrome -- Girl debaters win second in Emporia meet -- Eight graduates work on degrees -- Fairmount Library Club holds meeting -- Board considers possible action regarding roads -- University to be host at festival -- Everyone pledges support as new life is injected here by President Jardine -- Nine men join business club -- Collegiate digest receives student, faculty approval -- Omnibus college is not affected -- Standard basis for enrollment figures adopted -- Editor says public service journalism is best augury for future of our country -- Campus kaleidoscope -- Co-ed, kept out of R.O.T.C., angry -- Rifle team to take part in wife matches -- Future social trends not bright, Dr. Ogburn thinks -- Kappa Delta Pi president reports meet / Garner Shriver -- Little America Aviation and Exploration Club with Byrd at the South Pole / C. A. Abele, Jr. -- Blondes relinquish prestige to darker sisters of today -- Students appear in varied recital -- University bulletin -- Mae trades grapes for orange ranch -- Students play on Sedgwick program -- Weddings beat depression war -- Debaters given transportation -- Friends students are given CWA positions -- Campusology -- Faculty recognition made in publication -- Foster’s early American songs received by University Library -- First year finds taboos revised by Mrs. Roosevelt -- The past week / Bob Clark -- College men urged to take courses in homemaking -- Theis-Oliver vows to be an event of Sunday afternoon -- Fantastic characters catch spirit of Mardi Gras revels -- Ellis is at hed of Men's Council -- Sorosis members to give informal Saturday evening -- Give poetry program for women's group -- Blackim-Nordyke vows to be said next Wednesday -- Fraternities -- Alpha Gams to give St. Patricks dance -- Matrix and Colophon hosts at second annual Press Prom -- Pi Alpha Pi has dinner meeting -- Sororities -- Fashion decrees importance of hose despite lengthened skirts -- Roundabout -- Students fear inky darkness -- Basket team returns from Mexico trip -- Ground broken for new city stadium -- Manning enters New York meet -- University cagers praise sportsmanship, hospitality and sea fishing in Mexico -- Mounted fish leave Mexico - Women's sports / Pat Gelbach -- Wrestling meet begins March 14 -- Emporia ends Gorilla reign -- Looking on / Loy Wood -- Colleges to enter national tour
Photograph(s): Creates new optimism: President William M. Jardine, who injected new optimism at the University Monday in his greeting to the student body and faculty. The ovation tendered him was proof of the support which he is expected to receive. / photo courtesy Wichita Beacon. p. 1 -- Maid-of-honor: Miss Betty Oliver will act as bridesmaid to her sister Miss Jacqueline Oliver who who [sic] will be married to Charles Theis, next Sunday afternoon at the First Presbyterian Curch. / photo courtesy Wichita Beacon. p. 5
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.39 no.23
PubMed ID