The Sunflower, v.54, no.05 (October 7, 1948)

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , School songs
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.54, no.5, Wichita, Kansas, October 7, 1948. - 14 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Solo pianist to appear in concert -- University student composes new pep song -- Students should not marry unless asked, reporter finds -- Prof advises students to marry -- Australian boy arrives for treatment at clinic -- U.S. turning toward left -- Booster trip is scheduled -- Round about the campus -- Teacher has radio show -- Alpha Gamma pledge dance is at Broadview Saturday -- French Club elects new officers Sunday -- Profs attend school clinic -- Grad gossip!: New alumni secretary finds changes in lives of grads and former students / Beulah Mullen -- Death takes alumni trio -- Party ends 'ISA Week' One act play tryouts will be held Monday -- Ball players dress in snappy clothes -- UNESCO is discussed at women's club -- Delta Omega sorority pledge new members -- New street signs to give directions -- Square dance party planned tomorrow -- Fewer college women taking home economic courses now -- Let's not violate the Bill of Rights -- Dr. Whan predicts Kansas to go dry by 50,000 votes -- Radio: Whan survey shows Iowan preference to news broadcast -- Ledgers!: Accounting students work for degrees at graduate schools -- Typed on a Wednesday: Three little Eskimos replace last week's 2,700 odd Indians -- Lost and found dept. reports things from coats to car keys -- Revolt!: Underhand methods of college officials begin student revolt -- Ohio official speaks here -- Action!: UCLA movie class to move into its $37,000 building -- Wales lady will speak -- Record foreign broadcasts for modern language study -- Cross-country men receive track gear from Coach Bidwell -- Mrs. Cupline wins W.H.G. scholarship -- New course down south -- Band Day invitations to 20 high schools -- Southern Illinois College poll debunks team drawing power -- Comic books belong says Missouri prof. -- Gym shorts -- Refuge for accident victim is found by psych members -- Change?: Veterans converting insurance policies select 20-pay life -- Campus YWCA holds first business meet -- Fellowships are given -- Writers Club meets to organize plans -- Lafayette College president reveals church school need -- Officers are named for religious council -- Newman Club holds meeting next Sunday -- Billy Faulk is new male quartet tenor -- Religious comparison is discussion topic [on] 'KAKE Roundtable' -- Phi Mu music frat elects new officers -- No pass-out checks at football games -- Kappa Pi installation at Morrison tonight -- Area scholarships program enlarged at eastern college -- Student help needed to clean stadium -- New course is offered -- Progressive concert lauded by enthusiastic music lovers / Bob Olson -- Opera lead to fetters -- Shockers clash with Drake in Valley tilt: Houser and Knopick out -- Two football games to be played today in intramural loop -- Wheaties organize Shocker send-off -- Football men fly insured -- Braves bow to Shockers -- Seven lettermen report for basketball: McCaslin and Vaughn gone -- Frosh cage drills start Monday night -- Windy City coaches tell of grid thrills -- Wichita Bs in first tilt -- New sponsor chosen for Wheaties Club -- Revenge: Drake pointing for win over Shockers in gridiron contest / Bob Ames
Photograph(s): Sidney Foster. p. 1 -- Students congregate at the Municipal Airport to give Shocker football team a rousting sendoff as the squad prepares to fly to Peoria, Illinois, to play Bradley Tech. p. 1 -- Mickey Armstrong, right, bids goodbye to Beulah Mullen, who is replacing Mrs. Armstrong as executive secretary of the University Alumni Association. p. 3 -- Horace K. Alspaugh. p. 3 -- Record breaking Halfback Eddie Kriwiel, above, set a new Shocker individual passing record when he tossed for 133 yards against the Oklahoma Aggies this season. p. 13
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.54 no.5
PubMed ID