The Sunflower, 1927-1928, no.35, June 4, 1928

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Issue Date
Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , School of Aeronautical Engineering , Bookstore , Master's degrees
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.21 no.35, Wichita, Kansas, June 4, 1928. - 8 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): University gives unique course in rural leadership -- Una Gist heads Art Club for next year -- Three dollars plus; Regal cap and gown; A college graduate! -- Lila Powers Hopkins is alumni speaker: Classes of 1908 and 1918 are especially honored at Sunday morning's alumni address -- Ralph Stuart heads new political group -- Will break ground for Science Hall at commencement -- W.U. will open next fall on September 10 -- Japanese students take summer work -- Dr. Hekhuis delivers 1928 baccalaureate -- 1928 graduating class to receive degrees Tuesday -- Seniors score success in class play, "Kempy" -- New library assistant -- Alumni banquet will honor 1928 graduates -- Dr. Claxton speaks at graduation tomorrow -- 10 W.U. students off for Estes Conference: Representatives from W.U. will attend joint Y.M.-Y.W. Conference in Estes this summer -- Cross section of campus life -- Library augmented by 1532 new books -- Class orators feature final convocation -- Pi Kap alumni ddance [sic] -- A co-ed's diary / Bess -- Men of Webster give formal dinner dance: Heidelbirg dinner dance idea cleverly carried out in formal given at Crestview Country Club -- Richardson-Maurer nuptials -- Dean Wilkie honors senior women at tea -- Dinner honors Epsilon Kappa Rho members -- Phi Upsilon Sigma -- Phi Upsilon hosts at first formal dance -- Dorm seniors honored -- Delta Omega notes -- Faculty vacations are extensive and varied -- Departmental ditties / E. F. S. -- Nineteen will attend R.O.T.C. summer camp -- Wichita in Turkey Cup awarded Monday -- It strikes me / K. K. Friedel -- Morals or wisdom / Alice Whittaker -- For one of Romany blood / Willie Madge Bryant -- Miss Sprague’s exhibit -- The recompense of faith / Bula Mae Archer -- Pianissimo / Mary Bowling -- Pittsburg wins first in interstate contest -- Senior women win tennis doubles meet -- Norma Louise Solter takes track honors -- Sport summary
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.21 no.35
PubMed ID