The Sunflower, v.44, no.04 (October 6, 1938)

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College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Band , Department of Religion
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.44, no.4, Wichita, Kansas, October 6, 1938. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Booster enthusiasts: Students, you have over two weeks to save that $4.20 for the booster trip to the Washburn game at Topeka. So begin watching the pennies.
Apple-slingers: Read the editorial on page two about Shocker reaction to childish pranks at Southwestern game.
Article(s): Committee selections announced -- Rifle range has been renovated for R.O.T.C. unit -- West is added to W.U. faculty -- Henrion is elected president of grads -- Plans for new buildings to be completed soon -- Wall rack from Emporia meeting -- Parnassus sub-editors are named -- Crum reelected as president of non-Greeks here -- University host to state press -- Sipple and family move into new home -- Professors speculate on European situation / Sam Smith -- First afternoon mixer is today at noon in gym -- University has unusual religious endorsments -- Enrollment hits new high mark here this fall -- Practice begins on campus play -- Pep music convocation 10:20 Friday -- Student Forum committees are being appointed -- New rooms for student actors -- Hedges gets article printed in magazine -- Freshman take reading lesssons Sievers offers -- Hillbrand will direct meeting -- New plans on Booster trek made -- Tyler is named for presidency on French Club -- Republican Club debates tonight -- Barrage of apple cores is 'childishly disgusting' -- Baseball takes place of European scare in news -- Wichita looks forward to era of soft water -- Railroad employees pay for sins of management -- Hospitalization increase is luxury for students -- On the hill / Marge Gray -- Grad gossip -- Diamond heads Democrats again -- Ace commentator appears in movies -- Neff speaks before parents, teachers -- Debaters to argue English alliance -- Seven former campus students tell engagement, wedding plans -- Davis to lecture at A.A.U.W. meet -- Women's dean to head conference -- Roundabout -- Websters to initiate Dr. Sepmeir -- Pi Alphs to give paddle party at Shirkmere Hotel -- Journalism head talks to authors -- Wilkie to address insurance agents -- Greek societies announce their pledge officers -- C.U.W. will honor new girls at tea -- Schedule initial open house for coming Thursday -- Pi Kaps to honor pledges at party -- Alpha Gams wll fete pledges at Crestview Club -- Farquharson to play for concert -- Sorosis to fete new pledge class -- Scout group will initiate four men -- Alpha Pi pledges wear new ribbons -- St. Louisans bring tough squad here -- Sports wise / Katy Dedrick -- Wheatshockers take win from Moundbuilders -- Alpha Gams undefeated at soccer -- From the sidelines / Bob Campbell -- Wichita builders only loop game -- Hockey varsity will play at Kansas U. -- Tough schedule is arranged for freshmen team -- Frosh gridsters hurt in workout -- Orchesis invites nine to pledge -- 102 compete in horseshoe meet -- Sterling takes first, but team shows promise
Photograph(s): Heads Barbs: Lewis Crum was reelected Tuesday night to the presidency of the campus Barb organization. He was also recently named by the Student Council as head of the University varsity committee. p. 1 -- Plans trip: Stan Diamond president of the Student Council is making plans for the Shocker booster trip to the Washburn game at Topeka. p. 1 -- Leads band: Something new for Walter Duerksen's R.O.T.C. band will be the inauguration of its "Swing Session" to be played during the half at the Wichita-St. Louis football game next Saturday night in the Shocker stadium. The band, which now numbers at and which is the largest in the history of the school will play such numbers as "Crazy Rhythm," "Some of those Days," "St. Louis Blues," and "Tiger Rag". After the "Swing Session" the band wll play "Hail Wichita". p. 1 -- Is a Major: It's Maj. Harry L. Lewis now since the former "captain" received word Tuesday of his promotion from the adjutant general of the war department of Washinton, D.C. p. 1 -- Marge Gray. p. 2 -- Greek pledge presidents: Sorority and fraternity pledge groups elected officers at their meeting last week. From left to right, seated, are the sorority presidents: Alma Louise Gray, Alpha Tau; Ethel Jane Meyers, Sorosis; Betty Greene, Kappa Rho; Ruth Keener, D.O. and Tommie Hartman, Pi Kap. Standing, from left to right, are, Tom Alexander, Webster; Paul Hesse, Alpha Gam; Jack Armour, Phi Sig; and Kenneth Forster, Pi Alph. p. 3 -- Triple threat: Harold Brill, the Shockers triple threat halfback, who co-starred with Tromer Smith in leading Wichita to a smashing defeat over Southwestern last weekend, will play a leading role in the St. Louis game Saturday night. p. 4 -- Bob Campbell. p. 4
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.44 no.4
PubMed ID