The Sunflower, v.56, no.17 (February 1, 1951)

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.56, no.17, Wichita, Kansas, February 1, 1951. - 8 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Students to give 3 plays -- WSSF drive is underway: Dinner Monday opens campaign -- United States must prepare for total war, says Costello -- Orchestra plans benefit dance -- Webster men win new radio -- Student Council election soon -- Class pictures to be taken -- Club representatives to see 'The Ballad Plays' preview -- Tryouts today for "Othello" -- Round about the campus / Dorothy Ludiker -- AWS to hold informal lunch -- Student Forum positions open -- ISA to hold activity night -- Clark Abshier heads aero engineer's frat -- Style manual published here -- Colophon plans initiation, dinner -- Klein honored at HYM dance -- Club corner: Reagan speaks to Math Club this afternoon -- U of W couples plan weddings -- Vocal technique studied in clinic -- NYC palsy official visits local institute -- Greek organizations announce initiation of 133 new members -- Institute head reports 1,202 cases training -- Current texts due here soon -- U of W places more teachers -- Taylor to head GOP activities -- Engineers offer 2 night classes this semester -- A letter from the editor -- J. Frazier airs points to solve Korean problem -- Know your campus: AWS tries to give campus women 'a feeling of belonging' / Nancy Rittenoure -- Artists' work in May exhibit -- University Daily banned because of 'Vice' article -- 'Operation Bootstrap' opens colleges to U.S. airmen -- Musicians will give opera, "Don't We All" -- Home Economics Clubs to hold convention -- University graduates accept radio jobs -- Marteney new cadet colonel -- Survey reveals high birth rate for graduates -- Hammond to speak to church fellowship -- Artists use pounds of coffee a day yet they report no "coffee nerves" / Pat Ezell -- Convo to climax religious week -- New building to get sidewalks and trees -- University coaches announce 1951 spring sports schedule -- Shooting team to meet Aggies -- Sports roundup / Clifford Kraus -- Shocker frosh meet Dragons -- Munies to play Bills, Bulldogs -- Lost and found department wants to return 72 books -- Six cage teams pace intramurals -- Research men offer awards -- C.B. Read to attend inaugural ceremony -- Table tennis deadline nears -- Library opens document room for students -- Sociology group offers award -- Enrollee total reaches 2,626 -- Miller renamed Sunflower head -- KMUW to announce Ark Valley contest -- Pauli seeking chorus singers -- Members of education board outlines faults of college teaching methods -- Quartet to present third music concert -- Musical group to sing March 8 at convention -- Denver professors to counsel students -- Mid-year grads to be deferred
Photograph(s): Bill Costello, CBS work correspondent. p. 1 -- "The Fiddle that Danced till Morning" actors: (Left to right) George Stewart, Marjorie Coover and Michal McClure. p. 1 -- Wall appointed summer director: Dr. Hugo Wall. p. 1 -- Bill of the Ball and ten outstanding seniors: Gene Klein (Bill of the Ball) pictured with Harry Crow, Jim Wainner, Don Bull, Harry Hobson, John Walker, Marilyn Chamberlain, Rankin Griesinger, Eddie Kriwiel, Dan Nyberg, and Mike Miller. p. 1 -- Paul Stonehouse and Glen Conklin participating in canasta at student activity night. p. 2 -- The Associated Women's Group: (Left to right, seated) Nancy Lehman, Lois Anderson, and Dot McComb, (standing): Hazel Shanklin and Roumel Marford. p. 4 -- Forum speaker and prexy: Bill Costello, CBS Far East correspondent, chatting with Harry Hobson. p. 5 -- Ken Gunning, head basketball coach. p. 6 -- Rex McMurray, University basketball player. p. 7
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.56 no.17
PubMed ID