The Sunflower, 1931-1932, no.20, February 10, 1932

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College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , University Symphony
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.37, no.20, Wichita, Kansas, February 10, 1932. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Election of councillors [sic] held today -- University host to debate teams -- Drama authority will appear on chapel program: Clayton Hamilton, author and lecturer to be heard Feb. 18 -- Field day is assured for R.O.T.C. -- Life of Lincoln is subject of address -- Staid, dignified citizens once campus cut-ups -- Present "House Beautiful Here" -- Oberlin president sees new college -- D.A.R. chapter erects flagpole -- New symphony to have 50 members -- Student lawyers lose first case -- Name bridge in honor of composition -- New screens to be employed in 'A Winter's Tale' -- President Foght to direct survey -- Announce date for carnival -- Will fire six postal matches -- Former student honored in India -- Modern co-eds favor Valentines -- Temperamental movie animals in Selig zoo -- Organisms alive in coal deposit -- Sixty-year-old Wichita tree is now landmark -- 'Snow madness' hits Pasadena -- Sees decline in modern writing -- Authorities force Greeks to evacuate -- Busy campaign is mapped out for R.O.T.C. team -- Stresses need of disarmament -- Formulate plan for new party -- Shocker society: Sorosis to give dinner dance February 12; Friends U. will present program at Y.W. meeting; Pi Beta Chi pledges present program at meeting Thursday; Alumnaes entertain sorority members; Moeckel Ross marriage announced; Webster's mee with Mothers Club; Alpha Tau Sigma plan spring parties; Freshman class are planning depression party; Walter Able is elected president of Aesculapis; Poltical Science Club holds open forum discussion; Pratt entertains Fine Art students; Bridge clubs; Mrs. O. W. Wilson is speaker at meeting of Fairmount Club; French student life portrayed for French Club; Omega Upsilon receive crest -- Shockers swamp C. of E. cagers; Play Washburn Saturday: Wichita cage team shows early season form in fast game -- Sports / Kenneth Hays -- Basketball heads coming women's athletic games -- Dates for Central conference track and field meets set -- Missed setups aids Hays win over Shockers -- Eagles win over Tucker five; Pi Alpha is victor -- Four intramural games scheduled for Thursday -- Shockers invade Topeka against Washburn Sat. -- Women's sports / Dorothea Kyle
Photograph(s): New Alpha Tau member: Above is Mary Ida Pitch, sophomore at the university, and newly initiated member of Alpha Tau Sigma, women's social sorority. p. 3 -- Ichabod center: Gayle Bridson, sophomore center and scoring threat of the Washburn cage squad. p. 4 -- Mainstay of Shockers: Capt. Bill Hennigh, who has returned to his old time form, and is the steadying factor for the Wichita team. Hennigh is a dead shot, and also is a strong power on the defense, He is considered the Shockers' best bet for a place on the All-Conference team. p. 4 -- Scoring threat: Boyd, regular Washburn forward who will play against the Shockers Saturday at Topeka. p. 4
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.37 no.20
PubMed ID