2008-01-28 Faculty Senate meeting
Faculty Senate
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Archival material
Archival material
Wichita State University , Faculty Senate , Shared governance , Meeting Agenda , Meeting minutes
Faculty Senate. Agenda and minutes of the meeting of January 28, 2008. -- Faculty Senate Meetings, 2007-2008, v.21
Table of Contents
Agenda: (President's report) -- (Committee reports): A. Rules: Faculty Senate Election Rules / Larry Spurgeon -- B. Academic Affairs: 1. Proposed Bachelor of Science in Bioengineering Degree -- 2. Proposed Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene Degree / Krishna Krishnan -- C. Academic Affairs and Executive Committee: Proposed Plus/Minus Grading -- (New business): A. Proposal from SGA regarding Credit/Non-Credit courses
Attachments: Credit/Non-credit policy at Wichita State / Brooks Amos, Erin Phipps, Taylor Hancock, and Michael Schotterbeck -- Arguments for Plus/Minus Grading -- Memo: Grading Scales and +/- Option / Bill Wynne -- "Virgin Atlantic Plans a Biofuel Flight" / Nicola Clark -- Bachelor of Science In Dental Hygiene (BSDH) -- Proposed Bachelor of Science in Bioengineering
Summary of action: 1. Accepted the proposed BS in Bioengineering -- 2. Accepted the proposed BS in Dental Hygiene -- 3. Accepted the proposal from SGA for Credit/No credit courses -- (President's report): 1. January KBOR meeting -- 2. Discussion of implementation of text messaging emergency service relative to the policy banning cell phones in classes -- 3. KBOR: COFSP consider KBOR ruling that there should be a 150-day academic year -- 4. IRS code 409 prohibits working in 2007 and getting paid in 2008 -- 5. NAUSALGIC template -- 6. Executive Committee discussed the very large percentage of students who graduate with honors -- (Committee reports): A. Rules Committee -- Discussion of possible revisions to the Senate Election Rules and procedures / L. Spurgeon -- B. Academic Affairs degree proposals: 1. Proposed Bachelor of Science in Bioengineering degree -- 2. Proposed Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene degree -- 3. Proposed Plus/Minus Grading Concept / Senator Krishna -- (New business): A. A proposal from SGA regarding credit/non-credit courses
Attachments: Credit/Non-credit policy at Wichita State / Brooks Amos, Erin Phipps, Taylor Hancock, and Michael Schotterbeck -- Arguments for Plus/Minus Grading -- Memo: Grading Scales and +/- Option / Bill Wynne -- "Virgin Atlantic Plans a Biofuel Flight" / Nicola Clark -- Bachelor of Science In Dental Hygiene (BSDH) -- Proposed Bachelor of Science in Bioengineering
Summary of action: 1. Accepted the proposed BS in Bioengineering -- 2. Accepted the proposed BS in Dental Hygiene -- 3. Accepted the proposal from SGA for Credit/No credit courses -- (President's report): 1. January KBOR meeting -- 2. Discussion of implementation of text messaging emergency service relative to the policy banning cell phones in classes -- 3. KBOR: COFSP consider KBOR ruling that there should be a 150-day academic year -- 4. IRS code 409 prohibits working in 2007 and getting paid in 2008 -- 5. NAUSALGIC template -- 6. Executive Committee discussed the very large percentage of students who graduate with honors -- (Committee reports): A. Rules Committee -- Discussion of possible revisions to the Senate Election Rules and procedures / L. Spurgeon -- B. Academic Affairs degree proposals: 1. Proposed Bachelor of Science in Bioengineering degree -- 2. Proposed Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene degree -- 3. Proposed Plus/Minus Grading Concept / Senator Krishna -- (New business): A. A proposal from SGA regarding credit/non-credit courses
Wichita State University
Book Title
Wichita State University Faculty Senate Archives