The Sunflower, v.71, no.60/1 (May 16, 1967)

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Issue Date
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Wall, Hugo, 1901-1975 , American Association of University Professors (A.A.U.P.) , Loyalty Oath , Department of Anthropology , Excellence in Teaching award , Cowgill, Donald O. (Donald Olen), 1911- , Holmes, Lowell D. (Lowell Don), 1925-2010 , Mesrobian, Robert B., 1924- , Honors Society , University of Wichita
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower, v.71 no.60. Wichita, Kansas, May 16, 1967. - 8 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Honors Convocation to include 225 students -- Religion professor upholds belief in death of God -- University Senate takes steps to increase student participation -- AAUP meeting scheduled for Friday in CAC -- Forum to be held Wednesday in West Ballroom -- University Senate commends SGC policy statement -- Underground films to be shown here -- Modern African education to be forum speech topic -- Campaign report is given to trustees of institute -- Class standing, classification go to Draft Board -- Police officers and firefighters honored Sunday / Tom McVey -- Suicide blue ribbon panel discusses growing problem -- Goodbye grades -- Letters from campus / Lester E. Mood -- Reader Busbee, editor exchange virulent comments on ineptness -- AFROTC cadets to be honored in Field House -- Additional funds allotted for Library improvemets [sic] -- Don Jordan gives students hints on job hunting -- KU prof to be Ramparts editor in San Francisco -- Annual excursion takes geologists to Arbuckle Mts -- Drake baseball player assault suspect held -- 'Biedermann and the Firebug’ next Community Theatre play -- Alpha Kappa Psi frat initiates pledge class, elects new officers -- University instructor sees poems published in Borestone Bulletin -- Tonight's show to end season for band group -- Experienced baker satisfies sweet tooth of students -- Kiser's Korner / Mike Kiser -- Shockers drop two to Tulsa; Valley Diamond title hopes vanish -- Holliday goes from gridder to top college shotputter -- Program to aid women students to start soon -- Golf competition set to begin tomorrow -- Antonioni film named as a best during festival -- Shocker net Coach West proud of his WSU squad -- Tennis honors to Deckert, duo of Strahm-Brittain
Photograph(s): Mr. Howard Mickel. p.1 -- Tom Holliday, a football player in high school, claims one of ten best collegiate shotput efforts in the country this season. p. 8 -- Dr. Ellis West as Shocker tennis coach is proud of his squad despite their mediocre season. Dr. West looks ahead promisingly to the MVC tourney this week in Wichita. p. 8
"No 10:30 Classes Wednesday"
Wichita State University
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.71 no.60
PubMed ID