The Sunflower, v.56, no.23 (March 27, 1952)
Issue Date
Archival material
Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.56, no.23, Wichita, Kansas, March 27, 1952. - 8 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Ruth Mercer is '52 Press Queen -- Cadets to select Honorary Colonel -- ROTC cadets to show skills in annual Field Day, April 24 -- 'Modern Trend' will be theme for Hippodrome -- 223 University students named to 1st semester honor roll -- New engineering building slated for WU campus -- Concert Band to appear in recital Tuesday -- That way / Virginia Stafford -- ATS to honor pledges Saturday at 'Barn Dance' -- Coke, card party planned by ISA -- Faculty's column -- Pat Terrill gets scholarship award -- YWCA officers to be installed Monday evening -- Phi Sig to host sororities Sunday -- Frat promotes 'share a ride' plan on campus -- 2 music seniors will give joint recital Monday -- 83 women to be honored at 'Big Women on Campus' banquet tonight in Commons -- Faculty Quartet will play Sunday -- Bigger and better -- Logopedic paper tells of marriages, births, and visits / Bill Stinchcomb -- Exchange department quips -- The Barber shop / Bob Barber -- Fraternity members dislike discrimination -- Southern school plans revision of catalog -- Cliff's column / Cliff Kraus -- Engineering students needed, survey shows -- School secretaries to meet on campus this weekend -- Student to sing at Topeka meet -- Cast sought for next play -- ROTC cadets to visit point -- Teachers plan meetings here -- Circulation record set for February -- Spring sports swing into action Saturday: cries of 'on your marks', 'match point' open season -- Softball team deadline nears -- Websters lead bowling tourney -- Pi Kap smashes Alpha Tau sextet -- Rose Lamb is 'all-round hit' in field of women's sports / Jean Walker -- Women's gym gems -- 3 Spanish majors to appear in play -- Washington U. dean to be honored here -- 'Chester-Fact' contest starts -- Arnold Air hears jet pilot speak -- Scholarship auditions to be held in April
Photograph(s): Vie for title today: Honorary Colonel candidates (left to right) Herb Babb, Susan Austin, John Wooley, Patty Payne, Bob Bragg, and Nancy Baldwin. p. 1 -- Going to press with the "Press Queen": Ruth Mercer took over editorial duties of The Sunflower as Cliff Kraus and copyreaders (left to right) Bob Vance, Coleen Schreffler, and Dorothy Ludiker look on. p. 1 -- Beauty and brains: Pat Terrill receiving the freshman scholarship award from Marjorie VanCamp. p. 2 -- John Friedersdorf (center) talks over pitching strategy with Hal Gascoigne (left) and Jim Hought. p. 7
Article(s): Ruth Mercer is '52 Press Queen -- Cadets to select Honorary Colonel -- ROTC cadets to show skills in annual Field Day, April 24 -- 'Modern Trend' will be theme for Hippodrome -- 223 University students named to 1st semester honor roll -- New engineering building slated for WU campus -- Concert Band to appear in recital Tuesday -- That way / Virginia Stafford -- ATS to honor pledges Saturday at 'Barn Dance' -- Coke, card party planned by ISA -- Faculty's column -- Pat Terrill gets scholarship award -- YWCA officers to be installed Monday evening -- Phi Sig to host sororities Sunday -- Frat promotes 'share a ride' plan on campus -- 2 music seniors will give joint recital Monday -- 83 women to be honored at 'Big Women on Campus' banquet tonight in Commons -- Faculty Quartet will play Sunday -- Bigger and better -- Logopedic paper tells of marriages, births, and visits / Bill Stinchcomb -- Exchange department quips -- The Barber shop / Bob Barber -- Fraternity members dislike discrimination -- Southern school plans revision of catalog -- Cliff's column / Cliff Kraus -- Engineering students needed, survey shows -- School secretaries to meet on campus this weekend -- Student to sing at Topeka meet -- Cast sought for next play -- ROTC cadets to visit point -- Teachers plan meetings here -- Circulation record set for February -- Spring sports swing into action Saturday: cries of 'on your marks', 'match point' open season -- Softball team deadline nears -- Websters lead bowling tourney -- Pi Kap smashes Alpha Tau sextet -- Rose Lamb is 'all-round hit' in field of women's sports / Jean Walker -- Women's gym gems -- 3 Spanish majors to appear in play -- Washington U. dean to be honored here -- 'Chester-Fact' contest starts -- Arnold Air hears jet pilot speak -- Scholarship auditions to be held in April
Photograph(s): Vie for title today: Honorary Colonel candidates (left to right) Herb Babb, Susan Austin, John Wooley, Patty Payne, Bob Bragg, and Nancy Baldwin. p. 1 -- Going to press with the "Press Queen": Ruth Mercer took over editorial duties of The Sunflower as Cliff Kraus and copyreaders (left to right) Bob Vance, Coleen Schreffler, and Dorothy Ludiker look on. p. 1 -- Beauty and brains: Pat Terrill receiving the freshman scholarship award from Marjorie VanCamp. p. 2 -- John Friedersdorf (center) talks over pitching strategy with Hal Gascoigne (left) and Jim Hought. p. 7
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.56 no.23
v.56 no.23