The Sunflower, v.64, no.50 (April 29, 1960)

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College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.64, no.50, Wichita, Kansas, April 29, 1960. - 8 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Festival to feature concert -- New election ends today -- Registering for '60-61 continues -- TV news-photo chief to address J-students -- Ticket sales for Oratorio get underway -- WU Art Fair will be held -- Accountants to hold meet -- Street dance set -- The editor's board: Unfair tactics -- WU cosmopolitan institution 55 foreign students enrolled / Bill Bidwell -- Music student to study in Puerto Rico -- Coeds named as finalists -- 34th Annual Military Ball held ROTC provides colorful event / Carol Chambers -- Services held for student -- Assignments issued to 12 in AFROTC -- Newman Club members attend Province meet -- Senior wins $225 award -- What next?: Shocker turtle set to 'Run' in college race at Detroit -- Huff elected by SKSTA -- Golfers have busy week-end [sic] to face 4 Oklahoma teams -- Shock talk / Tommy Vanderhoofven -- 2 Shockers win 2nd place in KU Relays -- Foldberg greets 60 hopefuls -- Evaluation of Sunflower object of questionnaire -- Coeds win scholarships for seminar -- NAACP schedules outdoor meet here -- Spanish group to initiate 2
Photograph(s): Festival presentation: Larre Tarrant (left) portrayed the soldier, and Crandall Waid, the devil, in last night's Fine Arts Festival presentation of "The Soldier's Tale" or "L'Histoire du Soldat." / photo by Gary Herlocker. p. 1 -- Army ROTC royalty: The Army ROTC Queen, crowned at the Annual Military Ball, appears with her court. Left to right: Fran Pracht, Queen Margaret Foley, Janet Funke, and Deanna Lassen. p. 1 -- Air Force Royalty: Sharing honors with the Army ROTC Queen was the AFROTC Queen. Left to right: Lynda Scott, Charlotte Vitz, Queen Earlene Ambler, Peggy Edminster, and Sherry Wickliff. p. 1 -- Lee Robert. p. 3 -- Electronic apparatus: This equipment is used by students enrolled in government-sponsored classes in electronics, under the College of Adult Education. An instructor demonstrates the unit. p. 4 -- "Hit 'em hard!": That's what backfield coach Neal Smith seems to be telling Shocker gridders during routine drills this week. Drills began last week for Coach Hank Foldberg's squad. p. 7
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.64 no.50
PubMed ID