2016-11-14 Faculty Senate meeting

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Faculty Senate
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Shared governance document
Wichita State University , Faculty Senate , Shared governance , Meeting Agenda , Meeting minutes
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Faculty Senate. Agenda and minutes of the meeting of November 14, 2016. -- Faculty Senate Meetings, 2016-2017, v.30
Table of Contents
Agenda: (President's report) -- (Committee reports): a. Rules Committee / Carolyn Shaw -- (Old business): a. Weapons Policy / David Moses -- (New business): a. Recommendation regarding the Grievance Pool / Carolyn Shaw -- b. Recommendation regarding expanding the Membership of the Faculty Senate / Carolyn Shaw -- c. Accessibility changes that will impact classrooms and teaching / Molly Gordon -- d. SEM / Stan Henderson -- e. Innovation Campus / John Tomblin
Attachments: Recommendation regarding the grievance pool / Carolyn Shaw -- Faculty Senate membership eligibility / Carolyn Shaw -- Draft: 11.19 / Weapons on University property policy / David Moses -- Timeline for implementation of Agreement with National Foundation for the Blind / Molly Gordon -- Presentation: Transformation: Becoming the Innovation University / John Tomblin
Minutes: Summary of actions: 1. Accepted appointment of University Libraries Susan Matveyeva to the Faculty Affairs Committee -- (President's report): a. A meeting for faculty with the first candidate for Vice President of Administration and Finance will take place on November 18th -- b. University Budget Townhall meeting November 18th -- c. Kansas Board of Regents meeting will take place at Emporia State on November 16th -- d. Ad hoc committee to discuss the Academic Honesty Policy and the creation of a WSU central repository -- e. Faculty concerns about parking -- f. Proposal to the Koch Foundation from the College of Business led to discussion on whether or not the Koch Foundation would have control over hiring business faculty and/or instruction -- g. Concerns regarding minorities being harassed by fellow students -- (Committee reports): a. Rules Committee" Nomination -- (Old business): a.Weapons Policy / David Moses -- (New business): a. Recommendation regarding the Grievance Pool / Senator Shaw -- b. Recommendation regarding expanding the Membership of the Faculty Senate / Senator Shaw -- Accessibility changes that will impact classrooms and .teaching / Molly Gordon -- Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) / Stan Henderson -- e. Innovation Campus / John Tomblin
Wichita State University
Book Title
Wichita State University Faculty Senate Archives
PubMed ID