The Sunflower, v.74, no.58 (July 9, 1970)
Issue Date
Archival material
Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Friesen, Walter , Freshmen orientation
The Sunflower: Our 74th year of editorial freedom, v.74 no.58. Wichita, Kansas, July 9, 1970. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Orientation procedure shows radical change -- Victory 'not possible' NBC newsman says -- Members total two: lowans form Men’s Lib group -- All day River Festival planned for centennial -- At security conference: Chief proud of WSU / Linda Hoddy -- Theater director to speak in Summer lecture Series -- Journalists call for open Congress
Photograph(s): Incoming WSU freshmen participate in sensitivity training as part of the orientation program. p. 1 -- Dr. Walter Friesen explains colleges within the university to new freshmen during an orientation session. p. 1 -- Security chief: Major A. Stone, chief of WSU Security recently returned from the Annual Conference of the International Association of College and University Security Directors in Victoria, British Columbia. p. 2
Article(s): Orientation procedure shows radical change -- Victory 'not possible' NBC newsman says -- Members total two: lowans form Men’s Lib group -- All day River Festival planned for centennial -- At security conference: Chief proud of WSU / Linda Hoddy -- Theater director to speak in Summer lecture Series -- Journalists call for open Congress
Photograph(s): Incoming WSU freshmen participate in sensitivity training as part of the orientation program. p. 1 -- Dr. Walter Friesen explains colleges within the university to new freshmen during an orientation session. p. 1 -- Security chief: Major A. Stone, chief of WSU Security recently returned from the Annual Conference of the International Association of College and University Security Directors in Victoria, British Columbia. p. 2
Wichita State University
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.74 no.58
v.74 no.58