The Sunflower, v.43, no.06 (October 14, 1937)
Issue Date
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Neff, Frank Amandus, 1879- , Fletcher, Worth , Enrollment , Freshmen rules , Student officers point system
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.43, no.6, Wichita, Kansas, October 14, 1937. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Week-end weather: No more precipitation this week-end. Temperatures to be below normal for the most part.
Regardless of what should have happened Saturday, this fact remains score: Wichita 18, K.U. 7. And Wichita had the tough breaks.
Article(s): Sects here number 29: Bar no one -- Staples judges beauty contest -- Student forum will bring famous speakers -- Obligation to K.U. met by reciepts -- Ticket peddlers suffer setback -- Boosters to go to Winfield -- Enrollment high in U.S. colleges; 1,240,000 attend -- Wilkie, Hillbrand will represent W.U. at meeting -- Speech science to hold clinic -- Wall speaks at A.V. teacher's meeting -- Inventions will change home life -- Milbourn, Keller off to Chicago for convention -- Changes in play casts are made -- Civic music tickets available on campus -- Students admire German display -- Social Sciences popular in American universities -- Colleges adopt new cut system -- Show is only memory to Wichita's Gordon Coffin -- Playwrite contest to close on Nov. 1 -- Study of graduates shows college to be worthwhile -- Geologists visit Caldwell rocks -- Famous English coach tours U.S. -- Mentally tired? New mask aids -- 2 girls pledged by dance group -- College flirtation is no real basis for marriage -- Students have right to debunk common charges -- One more thing needed to complete auditorium -- The last add / Kathleen Hite -- Collegiate world -- Grad gossip -- Textbook study for Army group -- Micky Mouse leading comic of African paper -- Tipplers to be on black list -- Wage increases causes living costs to zoom -- Non-Greeks wil elect next week -- Wedding of former university students scheduled this season -- Roundabout -- Musical sorority honors rushees with formal tes -- Tea fetes pledge Mothers Monday -- Pi Alpha will give faculty tea -- Deans, registrars leave for Ottawa -- Steak fry initiates fun follies -- Candid Camera Club is initiated -- Kappa Rho plans heart as theme of pledge party -- Parents honored with open house -- Halloween is theme of Y.W.C.A. dinner meeting set for October 27 -- Pi Beta has big 'rush' party -- Dinner committees announced -- Alpha Gam holds initiation Sunday -- Gridiron is theme for Phi Sig dance -- University Society goes up in smoke, calendar is destroyed -- Feud open at Winfield in S.C. game -- Touch footall gets good start -- What's football? Here's definition -- Tennis pairings posted in gym -- Fort Hays routs builders in C.I.C. -- Men to report for basetball -- K.U. loses to locals; score 18-7 -- Between the halves / Merrell Kirkpatrick
Photograph(s): Through the efforts of Thorton Steele above, and his Forum committee, the finest array of speakers ever to appear here as been scheduled. These speakers will appear in the Commons building before Student Forum groups. p. 1 -- [Kathleen] Hite. p. 2 -- Party Heads: Bette Archer has charge of the arrangements for Epsilon Kappa Rho pledge party next Saturday at the Wichita Country Club, and Sid Martin heads the committee for Pi Alpha Pi Paddle Party to be held at Crestview Country Club Octobert 22. p. 3
Week-end weather: No more precipitation this week-end. Temperatures to be below normal for the most part.
Regardless of what should have happened Saturday, this fact remains score: Wichita 18, K.U. 7. And Wichita had the tough breaks.
Article(s): Sects here number 29: Bar no one -- Staples judges beauty contest -- Student forum will bring famous speakers -- Obligation to K.U. met by reciepts -- Ticket peddlers suffer setback -- Boosters to go to Winfield -- Enrollment high in U.S. colleges; 1,240,000 attend -- Wilkie, Hillbrand will represent W.U. at meeting -- Speech science to hold clinic -- Wall speaks at A.V. teacher's meeting -- Inventions will change home life -- Milbourn, Keller off to Chicago for convention -- Changes in play casts are made -- Civic music tickets available on campus -- Students admire German display -- Social Sciences popular in American universities -- Colleges adopt new cut system -- Show is only memory to Wichita's Gordon Coffin -- Playwrite contest to close on Nov. 1 -- Study of graduates shows college to be worthwhile -- Geologists visit Caldwell rocks -- Famous English coach tours U.S. -- Mentally tired? New mask aids -- 2 girls pledged by dance group -- College flirtation is no real basis for marriage -- Students have right to debunk common charges -- One more thing needed to complete auditorium -- The last add / Kathleen Hite -- Collegiate world -- Grad gossip -- Textbook study for Army group -- Micky Mouse leading comic of African paper -- Tipplers to be on black list -- Wage increases causes living costs to zoom -- Non-Greeks wil elect next week -- Wedding of former university students scheduled this season -- Roundabout -- Musical sorority honors rushees with formal tes -- Tea fetes pledge Mothers Monday -- Pi Alpha will give faculty tea -- Deans, registrars leave for Ottawa -- Steak fry initiates fun follies -- Candid Camera Club is initiated -- Kappa Rho plans heart as theme of pledge party -- Parents honored with open house -- Halloween is theme of Y.W.C.A. dinner meeting set for October 27 -- Pi Beta has big 'rush' party -- Dinner committees announced -- Alpha Gam holds initiation Sunday -- Gridiron is theme for Phi Sig dance -- University Society goes up in smoke, calendar is destroyed -- Feud open at Winfield in S.C. game -- Touch footall gets good start -- What's football? Here's definition -- Tennis pairings posted in gym -- Fort Hays routs builders in C.I.C. -- Men to report for basetball -- K.U. loses to locals; score 18-7 -- Between the halves / Merrell Kirkpatrick
Photograph(s): Through the efforts of Thorton Steele above, and his Forum committee, the finest array of speakers ever to appear here as been scheduled. These speakers will appear in the Commons building before Student Forum groups. p. 1 -- [Kathleen] Hite. p. 2 -- Party Heads: Bette Archer has charge of the arrangements for Epsilon Kappa Rho pledge party next Saturday at the Wichita Country Club, and Sid Martin heads the committee for Pi Alpha Pi Paddle Party to be held at Crestview Country Club Octobert 22. p. 3
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.43 no.6
v.43 no.6