1972-03-13 University Senate meeting
University Senate
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Archival material
Archival material
Wichita State University , University Senate , Shared governance , Meeting agenda , Meeting minutes
University Senate. Agenda and Minutes of the Meeting, March 13, 1972. -- University Senate Meetings, 1971-1972, v.8
Table of Contents
Agenda: Meeting called to order -- Approval of the minutes of February 28, 1972 -- Orders of the day -- Unfinished business -- Committee reports -- New business -- Adjournment
WSU correspondence: Recommendation of the special policy committee on promotion and tenure -- Summary
Board of regents: Tenure policy -- Interpretation of the principles -- Standards for non - reappointment
A proposal from the ad hoc committee on academic standards and practices: Various policies and practices related to advanced placement and credit -- Committees recommendation -- Credit by examination
Senate meeting: Curriculim committee -- Admissions and exceptions -- Honors committee -- Library committee -- University traffic committee -- Continuing education -- Athletic committee -- Public occasions -- Student faculty relations
WSU Physical education corporation report: Family plan -- Special meeting -- Athletic department -- Intercollegiate grant in aid five year recap -- Financial aid summary -- Academic summary -- Scholarships -- Football schedules -- Basketball schedule
Annual report: Functioning of the court -- Comment -- Faculty and staff hold list
Annual report to the university senate: Court of student academic appeals
University traffic policy committee: UTPC reports its activities and recommendations
WSU correspondence: Student faculty relations committee -- Report on activity -- Problems discussed and investigated
Summer school annual report: Personnel -- Summer school advisory committee -- Budget -- Restricted fee workshops -- Specially funded summer school offerings -- Faculty -- Students -- Summary -- Appendices -- Workshop request form
Minutes: Orders of the day -- Special orders -- General orders -- Nominations for committee assignments -- Committee reports
WSU correspondence: Recommendation of the special policy committee on promotion and tenure -- Summary
Board of regents: Tenure policy -- Interpretation of the principles -- Standards for non - reappointment
A proposal from the ad hoc committee on academic standards and practices: Various policies and practices related to advanced placement and credit -- Committees recommendation -- Credit by examination
Senate meeting: Curriculim committee -- Admissions and exceptions -- Honors committee -- Library committee -- University traffic committee -- Continuing education -- Athletic committee -- Public occasions -- Student faculty relations
WSU Physical education corporation report: Family plan -- Special meeting -- Athletic department -- Intercollegiate grant in aid five year recap -- Financial aid summary -- Academic summary -- Scholarships -- Football schedules -- Basketball schedule
Annual report: Functioning of the court -- Comment -- Faculty and staff hold list
Annual report to the university senate: Court of student academic appeals
University traffic policy committee: UTPC reports its activities and recommendations
WSU correspondence: Student faculty relations committee -- Report on activity -- Problems discussed and investigated
Summer school annual report: Personnel -- Summer school advisory committee -- Budget -- Restricted fee workshops -- Specially funded summer school offerings -- Faculty -- Students -- Summary -- Appendices -- Workshop request form
Minutes: Orders of the day -- Special orders -- General orders -- Nominations for committee assignments -- Committee reports
Wichita State University
Book Title
Wichita State University, University Senate Archives