The Sunflower, v.73, no.10 (October 22, 1968)
Issue Date
Archival material
Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Graham, John Keith , Hartman, John J.
The Sunflower, v.73 no.10. Wichita, Kansas, October 22, 1968. - 12 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): WSU students named outstanding leaders -- 'Instability, curiosity, boredom’ cited as factors in drug usage / Ron Wylie -- Admissions director gives facts about rise in college enrollment -- String recital played by Ceasar tonight -- Student art gets honors in Tulsa -- Graham to succeed Miller as Logopedics'' Chairman -- Cincinnati coed wins Queen honor in Tuisa -- Findley to speak before freshmen -- Old weavings lecture topic of KU prof -- Author to discuss women in history -- Debate teams place in weekend meets -- WSU music students will debut at Symphony’s Dollar Concert -- Tax credits for education urged by Republican Shriver -- 'Steppenwolf' set for panel talk today in CAC -- Education desires as salesman lead to career in sociology / Ron Land -- Grape workers' dilemma exposed at Pendulum Talk -- Open mouth, insert foot -- Environmental report released -- Film review: Experimental films don't disappoint -- Student eating woes answered in cookbook / Dan Buchan -- Boutique owner says hair is fun thing / Kathy Hodge -- Angel Flight rush opens with tea -- Language Department to sponsor contest -- Bombays open on Shocks again; Cincy Aerials bring fifth loss -- Harriers get 'whopped' in K-State quad meet -- Intramural competition goes inside -- TU, Sooners highlight frosh slate -- Tract stars defy altitude for marks / Jerry Liska -- Powerful gale force halts Froshy 24-22
Photograph(s): Panel discusses drugs: Keith Sanborn addresses students at DFAC, to kick of talk on drug usage, while panelists Adams, Kerr, Stout and Comstock look on. p. 1 -- James Ceasar. p. 2 -- Artist and works: Peter Johnson, FA Gr., and Alicia Kay Taylor, FA Sr., show their graphic pieces which won Honorable Mentions awards in a recent regional art exhibition. p. 2 -- Drill movements: The 275th Air Force ROTC Cadet Group performs at weekly corps training on Field House parking lot. While the underclassmen are busy perfecting fundamentals of drill and ceremonies, the upperclassmen are reviewing each man’s performance. p. 3 -- Dr. John J. Hartman. p.5 -- Addition to Campus Activities Center takes shape / photos by Greg Livingston. p. 7 -- Punt return: Versatile John Beeson (15) was brought to a halt after returning to punt 51 yards that set up the Shockers second score. He gets an escort from Shocker Bob Hayes (89). p. 11
"See Editorials, Page 6"
Article(s): WSU students named outstanding leaders -- 'Instability, curiosity, boredom’ cited as factors in drug usage / Ron Wylie -- Admissions director gives facts about rise in college enrollment -- String recital played by Ceasar tonight -- Student art gets honors in Tulsa -- Graham to succeed Miller as Logopedics'' Chairman -- Cincinnati coed wins Queen honor in Tuisa -- Findley to speak before freshmen -- Old weavings lecture topic of KU prof -- Author to discuss women in history -- Debate teams place in weekend meets -- WSU music students will debut at Symphony’s Dollar Concert -- Tax credits for education urged by Republican Shriver -- 'Steppenwolf' set for panel talk today in CAC -- Education desires as salesman lead to career in sociology / Ron Land -- Grape workers' dilemma exposed at Pendulum Talk -- Open mouth, insert foot -- Environmental report released -- Film review: Experimental films don't disappoint -- Student eating woes answered in cookbook / Dan Buchan -- Boutique owner says hair is fun thing / Kathy Hodge -- Angel Flight rush opens with tea -- Language Department to sponsor contest -- Bombays open on Shocks again; Cincy Aerials bring fifth loss -- Harriers get 'whopped' in K-State quad meet -- Intramural competition goes inside -- TU, Sooners highlight frosh slate -- Tract stars defy altitude for marks / Jerry Liska -- Powerful gale force halts Froshy 24-22
Photograph(s): Panel discusses drugs: Keith Sanborn addresses students at DFAC, to kick of talk on drug usage, while panelists Adams, Kerr, Stout and Comstock look on. p. 1 -- James Ceasar. p. 2 -- Artist and works: Peter Johnson, FA Gr., and Alicia Kay Taylor, FA Sr., show their graphic pieces which won Honorable Mentions awards in a recent regional art exhibition. p. 2 -- Drill movements: The 275th Air Force ROTC Cadet Group performs at weekly corps training on Field House parking lot. While the underclassmen are busy perfecting fundamentals of drill and ceremonies, the upperclassmen are reviewing each man’s performance. p. 3 -- Dr. John J. Hartman. p.5 -- Addition to Campus Activities Center takes shape / photos by Greg Livingston. p. 7 -- Punt return: Versatile John Beeson (15) was brought to a halt after returning to punt 51 yards that set up the Shockers second score. He gets an escort from Shocker Bob Hayes (89). p. 11
"See Editorials, Page 6"
Wichita State University
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.73 no.10
v.73 no.10