2003-03-10 Faculty Senate meeting
Faculty Senate
Issue Date
Shared governance document
Wichita State University , Faculty Senate , Shared governance , Meeting Agenda , Meeting minutes
Faculty Senate. Agenda and minutes of the meeting of March 10, 2002. -- Faculty Senate Meetings, 2002-2003, v.16
Table of Contents
Agenda: (Informal statements and proposals) -- (President's report) -- (Committee reports): A. General Education Task Forces update / Kirk Lancaster -- B. Planning & Budget - Faculty role in determining tuition increases -- (Old business) -- (New business): A. Proposal from the Honors Committee / Kay Gibson and Jay Mandt -- B. Board of Regents Professor of the Year Award - approval of criteria for WSU Faculty Support Committee / Sam Yeager -- C. Patriot Act Resolution - from Faculty Affairs Committee / Joyce Cavarozzi
Attachments: Memorandum: Change in Departmental Honors Requirements / Jay Mandt -- BOR Faculty Award proposed criteria, draft, 2nd revision
Minutes: Summary of action: 1. The Senate voted to disapprove a budget option that would have removed fee support for the library and technology; and approved a motion to base the support of the library and technology on fees, while receiving $1.27 per credit hour from tuition -- 2. The Senate unanimously approved a resolution proposed by the Academic Affairs Committee (based on a resolution originally put forward by the Library Committee) relating to the USA PATRIOT Act and its implementation -- 3. The Senate tabled a proposal from the Senate Honors Committee relating to the integration of Departmental Honors and the Honors Program -- (Informal statements and proposals): Recent death of Professor Emeritus Robert Berg / Senator Murphey -- (President's report): 1. Enterprise Resource Project (ERP) -- 2. Presented three options about "dedicated tuition" and asked for Senate recommendations -- (Committee reports): a) Executive Committee: Will meet to develop reports of the four General Education taskforces into a unified plan / President Lancaster -- b) Planning and Budget Committee: Tuition briefing paper / Senator Robert Ross -- (Old business): a) USA Patriot Act resolution / Joyce Cavarozzi -- (New business): a) Proposal from the Honors Committee / Kay Gibson and Jay Mandt -- b) BOR Professor of the Year Award criteria: postponed until next meeting
Attachments: Memorandum: Change in Departmental Honors Requirements / Jay Mandt -- BOR Faculty Award proposed criteria, draft, 2nd revision
Minutes: Summary of action: 1. The Senate voted to disapprove a budget option that would have removed fee support for the library and technology; and approved a motion to base the support of the library and technology on fees, while receiving $1.27 per credit hour from tuition -- 2. The Senate unanimously approved a resolution proposed by the Academic Affairs Committee (based on a resolution originally put forward by the Library Committee) relating to the USA PATRIOT Act and its implementation -- 3. The Senate tabled a proposal from the Senate Honors Committee relating to the integration of Departmental Honors and the Honors Program -- (Informal statements and proposals): Recent death of Professor Emeritus Robert Berg / Senator Murphey -- (President's report): 1. Enterprise Resource Project (ERP) -- 2. Presented three options about "dedicated tuition" and asked for Senate recommendations -- (Committee reports): a) Executive Committee: Will meet to develop reports of the four General Education taskforces into a unified plan / President Lancaster -- b) Planning and Budget Committee: Tuition briefing paper / Senator Robert Ross -- (Old business): a) USA Patriot Act resolution / Joyce Cavarozzi -- (New business): a) Proposal from the Honors Committee / Kay Gibson and Jay Mandt -- b) BOR Professor of the Year Award criteria: postponed until next meeting
Wichita State University
Book Title
Wichita State University Faculty Senate Archives