The Sunflower, v.42, no.21 (February 11, 1937)

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College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.42, no.21, Wichita, Kansas, February 11, 1937. - 12 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Childs talks tonight for forum group – Campus drama teams choose contest plays -- McCormick will show machine -- Ronald Van Welden new Barb leader -- Digest carries Beito creation -- Fraternity trio need not fear ouster action -- NYA aid for many students -- Winners of rifle contest rewarded – Moundbuilders vs. Pittsburg will decide much of C. C. race -- School will be host to state heads -- Substitute for Griffith hired -- Hekhuis talks on India to Home Ec -- St. Valentine's Day goes modern -- Registration lags but as 1,172 re-enroll -- Commons will have hostess -- Mikesell lectures to Holton Clubs -- America gives aid to Egypt's school program -- Parnassus -- Speech group and England go to conference -- Scout awards given to three university men -- Argentine aviator talks to Wichitans – Campus waits state decision -- Staples, Jacob have parts in 'call it a day' -- Rumors abut inventor false -- Palmer holds county clinic -- Fokert seeks local material -- Chemists plan meeting here -- Student support necessary to continue student forum -- Noon musical programs in the new auditorium are advocated -- Nature, itself, offers only solution to the flood danger -- The last add / Kathleen Hite -- Collegiate world -- University bulletin -- Players, coaches discuss proposed center changes -- Arkansas will debate against university men -- Shuler to get Scout's Award -- L'Heureux tells of crime prevention – Hornets are hosts to 1937 H.S. meet -- Additional pledges are announced by societies -- Greek men will initiate pledges -- Roundabout -- Furniture fund will be raised by club benefit -- Carnival party gains spotlight -- Home Ec. club has dinner this evening -- Pi Alpha Pi entertains guests at Hobo Dance -- Alumnae honor Kappa Rho actives at coffee -- University Dames to entertain husbands -- Matrix will have informal dinner meeting Tuesday, Feb. 16 -- Shockers go on road for O.C.U. game -- Schedule made for basketball -- Ice hockey -- Schedule grid game in East – Flames wallop Webster team – Gorillas to be here for two league games -- The sporting thing / Floyd Snitz -- Frosh win in forum thriller -- Wichita thumps Emporia three times in row -- Women's sport glances / Laura Howard
Photograph(s): Officers, members of Phi Omega chapter: Here is the scene in the University Commons Building as the local Scouters Club became the 49th chapter of Alpha Phi Omega national scouting fraternity. In the group are H. Roe Bartle, national president of Alpha Phi Omega; George Charno, national legal adviser; Ralph Graves, first national secretary; Harold H. Baker, scout executive of the Wichita council; Larry Hammond, member of the executive board; Dr. G. W. Scheer, comissioner; H. L. Bragg, commissioner; and Paul Hawkins. The activities of Alpha Phi Omega are: Kent Waddell, Charles Tinder, Robert Strain, A. Thornton Steel, Hubert G. Steele, Rolland Soule, George Scheer, Jack Rhea, Dale Myers, CharIes Morgan, Jr., Clement Moore, George Meltzer, Robert McWethy, George Lindsley, Charles Kinsey, Harold Kelley, Max Hatfield, Overton Glenn, Jr., Jack Evans, Sherman Culbertson, Jack Chapman, M. Boyd Carpenter, Warren Bowersox, Hillard Bodkin, James Hammond. The pledges are: Charles Yazel, Richard H. Wade, Lewis Riley, Bert Eugene Sells, Ray Stokely, Stanley I. Riley, Maurice Ransom, Robert Lowe, Robert G. Lake, Edwad L. Kessinger, Victor Horwotz, Walter Feldner, Bob Cook, Owen Bale. p. 1 -- Best Pledges: The best ledges have been selected by the sororities at the conclusion of the first semester activities. Shown above they are: Jeanne Lewis, Sorosis; Katherine Dedrick, Pi Kappa Psi; Doris De La Mater, Alpha Tau Sigma; Betta Archer, Epsilon Kappa Rho; Virginia Quigley, Delta Omega. p. 3
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.42 no.21
PubMed ID