The Sunflower, v.45, no.06 (October 19, 1939)
Issue Date
Archival material
Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Pan American Club
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.45, no.6, Wichita, Kansas, October 19, 1939. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Your Sunflower reaches 3,500 homes each week. It is the "metropolitan" of college weeklies. Remember, the Sunflower is your newspaper.
Make use of the Sunflower's free "bulletin service." Bring your messages to the editing desk, or send them by phone. There is no charge.
Article(s): First noon mixer set for today -- Ten convos planned for school year -- President will attend annual N.Y. convention -- Directories to be sold next week -- New secretary assumes duties in Neff's office -- First of famous people on forum to be here Nov. 1 -- Enrollment hits total of 1,514 for new record -- Kansas college officials meet here next week -- Wheaties club yell contests to end Monday -- Student bureau places thirteen during one week -- Night assistant to aid students in new library -- Staff members plan to attend Iowa convention -- Alpha gams are to select coed -- Annual reunion dinner planned for graduates -- Scouts to visit Shocker campus -- Denison meets W.U. supporters -- Parnassus head adds two rules -- Student annual lets contract -- Student leaves for Canal zone -- Debate squads are organized -- Spaeth to speak -- Safety Advancement -- Vivid portrayals feature production of 'Our Town' / Virginia Russell -- Nothing but the truth -- Vice of early rising -- Hypnotic spell will not keep person in Trance -- Education for adults -- Sorosis pledges will be honored Saturday night -- Dramatics club honors rushees at dinner party -- Picnic meet held by education frat -- Faculty entertained -- Marriage problem -- Alpha Tau party planned around football theme -- Orchesis to hold services for nine -- Catholic society honors members -- Initiation services held by home ec -- Women's council will give party -- Wisconsin gets library -- Kappa Rho pledges honored at dance -- Alpha Epsilon meets -- Fine arts college will give programs -- W'Shockers will play Texas game -- Six intramural football games scheduled today -- Intramural swim meet is Oct. 24 -- Shockers meet Pittsburg team next home game -- Lone conference battle was tie -- Billikens defeat Wheatshockers -- Whock distributes football banners -- Janitress is employed -- Texas mines has 1,100 -- Debate coaches meet -- Hockey players travel to K. U. for state meet -- Myers is president
Photograph(s): Dr. Forrest Whan. p. 1 -- Mary Jean Shaft. p. 1 -- New Yorkers see Parnassus editor: New Yorkers who attend the International Lecia exhibition there this fall will see this picture of Maxine Pantier, editor of the 1940 Parnassus. p. 1 -- Kane teaches: Dorothea Kane, '39, is teaching English and home economics in the Waldo, Kan., high school. p. 2 -- [Charley] Poe. p. 2 -- Picture prince and princess candidates are selected: The candidates are, left to right: (top row); Margaret Hull, Epsilon Kappa Rho; Marjorie Krueger, Barb; Mary Gardner, Pi Kappa Psi; Beth Hatton, Sorosis; Mary Olmstead, Alpha Tau Sigma; Zona Richardson, Delta Omega; and (bottom row), Bob Clark, Alpha Gamma Gamma; Bill Miller, Men of Webster; Wallace Wilkins, Phi Upsilon Sigma; Sidney Martin, Pi Alpha Pi; and Clyde Harbison, Barb. p. 3 -- Shocker end coach: Harry Marr, end coach for the University of Wichita, says the Texas Mines football team is tough, but he predicts a victory for the Shocker squad when they meet the Texas school in a game at El Paso this Saturday. p. 4 -- [Oliver] Elliott. p. 4 -- [Milburn] Barnes. p. 4
Your Sunflower reaches 3,500 homes each week. It is the "metropolitan" of college weeklies. Remember, the Sunflower is your newspaper.
Make use of the Sunflower's free "bulletin service." Bring your messages to the editing desk, or send them by phone. There is no charge.
Article(s): First noon mixer set for today -- Ten convos planned for school year -- President will attend annual N.Y. convention -- Directories to be sold next week -- New secretary assumes duties in Neff's office -- First of famous people on forum to be here Nov. 1 -- Enrollment hits total of 1,514 for new record -- Kansas college officials meet here next week -- Wheaties club yell contests to end Monday -- Student bureau places thirteen during one week -- Night assistant to aid students in new library -- Staff members plan to attend Iowa convention -- Alpha gams are to select coed -- Annual reunion dinner planned for graduates -- Scouts to visit Shocker campus -- Denison meets W.U. supporters -- Parnassus head adds two rules -- Student annual lets contract -- Student leaves for Canal zone -- Debate squads are organized -- Spaeth to speak -- Safety Advancement -- Vivid portrayals feature production of 'Our Town' / Virginia Russell -- Nothing but the truth -- Vice of early rising -- Hypnotic spell will not keep person in Trance -- Education for adults -- Sorosis pledges will be honored Saturday night -- Dramatics club honors rushees at dinner party -- Picnic meet held by education frat -- Faculty entertained -- Marriage problem -- Alpha Tau party planned around football theme -- Orchesis to hold services for nine -- Catholic society honors members -- Initiation services held by home ec -- Women's council will give party -- Wisconsin gets library -- Kappa Rho pledges honored at dance -- Alpha Epsilon meets -- Fine arts college will give programs -- W'Shockers will play Texas game -- Six intramural football games scheduled today -- Intramural swim meet is Oct. 24 -- Shockers meet Pittsburg team next home game -- Lone conference battle was tie -- Billikens defeat Wheatshockers -- Whock distributes football banners -- Janitress is employed -- Texas mines has 1,100 -- Debate coaches meet -- Hockey players travel to K. U. for state meet -- Myers is president
Photograph(s): Dr. Forrest Whan. p. 1 -- Mary Jean Shaft. p. 1 -- New Yorkers see Parnassus editor: New Yorkers who attend the International Lecia exhibition there this fall will see this picture of Maxine Pantier, editor of the 1940 Parnassus. p. 1 -- Kane teaches: Dorothea Kane, '39, is teaching English and home economics in the Waldo, Kan., high school. p. 2 -- [Charley] Poe. p. 2 -- Picture prince and princess candidates are selected: The candidates are, left to right: (top row); Margaret Hull, Epsilon Kappa Rho; Marjorie Krueger, Barb; Mary Gardner, Pi Kappa Psi; Beth Hatton, Sorosis; Mary Olmstead, Alpha Tau Sigma; Zona Richardson, Delta Omega; and (bottom row), Bob Clark, Alpha Gamma Gamma; Bill Miller, Men of Webster; Wallace Wilkins, Phi Upsilon Sigma; Sidney Martin, Pi Alpha Pi; and Clyde Harbison, Barb. p. 3 -- Shocker end coach: Harry Marr, end coach for the University of Wichita, says the Texas Mines football team is tough, but he predicts a victory for the Shocker squad when they meet the Texas school in a game at El Paso this Saturday. p. 4 -- [Oliver] Elliott. p. 4 -- [Milburn] Barnes. p. 4
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.45 no.6
v.45 no.6