The Sunflower, v.74, no.44 (April 14, 1970)

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College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Apollo 13 , Haise, Fred, 1933- , Lovell, Jim , Swigert, John L. (John Leonard), 1931-1982
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Our 74th year of editorial freedom, v.74 no.44. Wichita, Kansas, April 14, 1970. - 12 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Apollo space flight disabled in journey -- SGA candidates to pair off / Kevin Cook -- Israeli consul’s talk evokes heated words / Mickey Betz -- Students may miss classes to attend election debate / Mickey Betz -- Amendment vote set -- Lectures 'unjust’, speaker says -- Endorsements: President & platforms; Vice-president; Treasurer -- Dubious morality / Amanda Simon -- To the editor -- Role of SGA explained -- SGA presidential candidates present position statements / Nick Mork -- Two vie for treasurer's post -- Slate of candidates for student government offices -- Drew and Moore explain views -- Two vie for office of senior class president -- Proportional representative candidates -- LA contenders speak -- Flying machines topic of talk -- Finalists are named for Miss KAKELand -- Professor to discuss rise of Nazi Germany -- Four first, two second places: Carrington stars in WSU relays -- Sports views / Phil Lepak -- Flying club places 1st -- At St. Louis: Baseball wins 1, drops two
Photograph(s): Marooned: Apollo 13 astronauts stand at launch pad at the Kennedy Space Center as they prepared for blastoff to the moon. From the left: astronauts Fred Haise. James Lovell and John L. Swigert. p. 1 -- Peace talk: Hanna Dallal. a Palestinian special busIness administration student, confronts Canadian graduate philosophy student, Anthony Ruprecht, chairman of the International Club program committee. p. 1 -- Alliance: Nick Mork, SGA presidential candidate, teams with Teresa Harris. candidate for treasurer and Lyndon Drew, vice-presidential candidate. p. 2 -- Hopeful: Running independently are; Mike James, presidential candidate; Claire Moore, vice-presidential candidate and John Morse, candidate for treasurer. p. 2 -- Kara Abrahamson, Linda Williams, Mary Rapps, Elaine Gill. p. 8 -- Sunflower Sweetheart: Wow!: Christy Forsberg, University College freshman, was the first to catch our photographer's eye. Christy is interested in water skiing, traveling and other outdoor activities. For those following the signs. she's a Pisces. p. 9 -- The start of a winning finish: Preston Carrington gets a good start in the 880 relay. The team won the event in 1:26.3. p. 10 -- Off to victory: The WSU flying club used Cessna 150s in their first Intercollegiate victory. p. 11
Wichita State University
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.74 no.44
PubMed ID