Online reactions to a new discipline policy
Issue Date
At the beginning of the 2017 school year, Superintendent Dr. Alicia Thompson sought to fix the behavior problem that had begun to spiral out of control within the Wichita Public School system. To counteract this problem, Dr. Thompson sought to introduce a new discipline policy for the district. These new policies would focus on encouraging students to use soft skills to understand their behavior, cut back on rulings of detention and out of school suspension, and provide teachers with training that promoted cultural inclusion to create a safe space for students from all backgrounds. 40 comments in total were collected from two local online news sources, and were coded to fit into categories based on the content within the comment. This research looks at how comments on local online news sources address the changing policies, and how they propose to fix the discipline problems within the Wichita Public Schools. The themes and implications from the comments will be discussed throughout this study.
Table of Contents
Research completed in the Department of Sociology, Fairmount College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Book Title
v. 14