The Sunflower, 1931-1932, no.05, October 14, 1931

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College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Lieurance, Thurlow, 1878-1963 , Sipple, Leslie , Crum, R. B.
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.37, no.5, Wichita, Kansas, October 14 1931. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Gypsy queen for Homecoming Day to be elected today: Brown, Wiley, Seward and Lippman are candidates for today's election; Will lead downtown parade -- Library pamphlets are received here -- Morrison Library receives volumes -- Foght speaks to teachers at Pratt -- R.O.T.C. leaders' ability is tested -- Band gives first broadcast over radio station KFH -- Sipple tells of interview with Ghandi -- Classes of Air Reserve ground school meet here -- Library associates meet in Wichita -- Lieurance makes changes in his poem "Minisa" -- Lois Garberson is chosen honorary colonel of R.O.T.C. -- Women's Glee Club will be organized -- Petrified tree trunk received -- New insignia to be worn by unit -- Wichita librarians visit at Tulsa U. -- June Brooks' cabin was next to king's -- Ralph S. Hinman to address Press Club -- Campus discussion of deferred rushing continues -- Former U. students writes Dean Neff -- Shocker society: Fraternities and sororities; Sorority pledges elect officers; Weddings occupy prominent place; Rush tea is held by women voters; Pi Alpha Pi honors pledges Saturday with paddle party; Girls of Holyoke Hall have picnic; Shockin' Susies elect Virginia Scott president -- Alpha Gams are hosts at dinner -- W.U. clashes with Pittsburg Friday night at University field: Gerbert trains Shockers for Gorilla clash Friday -- Women's sports / Dorothea Kyle -- Shocker pile up 26-0 victory over Emporia Teachers
Photograph(s): Honorary colonel: Above is Lois Garberson, senior, and member of Sorosis, elected yesterday to the position of Honorary Colonel of the Reserve Officers' Training corps. Miss Garberson was notified of her election following a secret meeting of the senior officers yesterday noon. p. 1 -- Queen?: Pictured is Dorothy Seward, candidate for Gypsy Queen honors of the annual Homecoming day celebration of the University of Wichita. She is a member of Epsilon Kappa Rho. / Courtesy Wichita Beacon. p. 1 -- Queen?: Pictured above is Margaret Wiley, candidate for Gypsy Queen of the annual Homecoming day celebration October 31. Miss Wiley is a member of Alpha Tau Sigma and president of the Women's Pan-Hellenic council. / Courtesy Wichita Beacon. p. 1 -- Queen?: Pictured above is Anita Brown, captain of the girls' drill team of the University of Wichita, and candidate for the Gypsy Queen of the annual Homecoming day celebration October 31. She was also prominently mentioned as a candidate for honorary colonel of the R.O.T.C. and is a member of Sorosis. / Courtesy Wichita Beacon. p. 1 -- Queen?: Above is pictured Mary Ford Lippman, Pin Kappa Pi nominee for Gypsy Queen honors in the annual Homecoming day celebration of the University of Wichita, and prominently mentioned candidate for honorary colonel of the R.O.T.C.. / Courtesy Wichita Beacon. p. 1 -- Sorority pledges: Helen McWethy, Rosalia Wright: Pictured above are Rosalie Wright and Helen McWethy, freshmen at the University of Wichita. Miss Wright (left), is a pledge for Epsilon Kappa Rho, and Miss McWethy a pledge of Delta Omega, and freshmen member of the Pep committee. p. 3 -- Speedy Wheatshocker backfield: Pictured above is the backfield of the University of Wichita football team that is considered the fastest quartet in the Central conference, and has not been stopped this season. From left to right they are: "Kewpie" Koch, quarterback; Chuck McLaughlin, right half; "Handy" Hollander, fullback; and "Tip" Tucker, all-conference left half. These players with the possibility of Hunter in place of McLaughlin, whos is out with an injured leg, will start in the game against Pittsburg Friday. / Courtesy Wichita Eagle. p. 4 -- Adam Kahler. p. 4 -- "Buck" Vanek. p. 4
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.37 no.5
PubMed ID