1976-04-26 University Senate meeting
University Senate
Issue Date
Archival material
Archival material
Wichita State University , University Senate , Shared governance , Meeting agenda
University Senate. Agenda of the Meeting, April 26, 1976. -- University Senate Meetings, 1975-1976, v.12
Table of Contents
Agenda: Meeting called to order -- Informal proposals and statements -- Approval of the minutes of the meeting of April 5, 1976 and the regular meeting of April 12, 1976 -- Orders of the day -- Unfinished business -- Committee reports -- New business -- Adjournment
Senate attachment: Resignation from Univeristy Senate
Senate attachment: Annual report to the University Senate from the Senate library committee -- Defining emergent roles for libraries -- Current impact of our University library -- Evaluating existing policies and procedures
WSU correspondence: Annual report -- Committee members
Developed policies designed to protect the University
Senate attachment: Suggestions from local AAUP chapter to University Senators
Senate attachment: Policies and procedures for the reduction of unclassified staff for budgetary reasons -- Committee structure -- Restrictions and guidelines on termination for budgetary reasons -- Procedures to be followed when a state of financial exigency has been declared by the Kansas Board of Regents -- Appeals procedures
Senate attachment: Procedures for termination of tenured faculty for inadequate performance
Senate attachment: Resignation from Univeristy Senate
Senate attachment: Annual report to the University Senate from the Senate library committee -- Defining emergent roles for libraries -- Current impact of our University library -- Evaluating existing policies and procedures
WSU correspondence: Annual report -- Committee members
Developed policies designed to protect the University
Senate attachment: Suggestions from local AAUP chapter to University Senators
Senate attachment: Policies and procedures for the reduction of unclassified staff for budgetary reasons -- Committee structure -- Restrictions and guidelines on termination for budgetary reasons -- Procedures to be followed when a state of financial exigency has been declared by the Kansas Board of Regents -- Appeals procedures
Senate attachment: Procedures for termination of tenured faculty for inadequate performance
Wichita State University
Book Title
Wichita State University, University Senate Archives