The Sunflower, v.56, no.11 (November 29, 1951)

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , English Club , School of Journalism
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.56, no.11, Wichita, Kansas, November 29, 1951 - pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): 'Kowboy Karnival' Friday: Show proceeds to provide aid for WSSF plan -- Cage play opens: Colorado Buffs are first foes -- Guests will sit with students -- Psychologists from Oklahoma University will address student convo Tuesday -- Service tests will be given -- UW singers in 'The Messiah' -- Round about the campus / Nancy Rittenoure -- Rosen to go to PR meet -- UW art gallery to open Chinese painting exhibit -- Club initiation to be Tuesday for pep pledges -- Western theme to dominate 'Barbwire Tangle' Saturday -- Symphony head leads high school group -- Winter inspires dance program -- History fraternity initiates 6 members -- Two couples wed in November rites; Five plan nuptials in coming months -- Shocker alumni name recipients of UW awards -- The Bright incident -- Drake expresses appreciation -- More than a cause -- Life in Iceland portrayed in a fictional novel -- Opera draws record crowd; Four countries represented -- Sunflower history includes basements, cottages, paint, patios / Virginia Stafford -- Accounting Club names 'top ten' -- Donald Dill set to act lead in 'The Miser' at U of W -- College begins new program to better teacher training -- Onoda to head '52 roundtable -- Dr. Whan asked for radio poll -- Alumni will give reports on drive -- State convention for ISA elects new officers at UW -- College students today take long view of world crisis -- 1st foreign member enrolled by NAIL -- Ding dong daddy -- 'Helen' topic of talk December 4 -- The sports clock / Al Alvarez -- Volleyball play opened Tuesday with 2 leagues -- WRA announces volleyball wins -- Battle decides Valley champs next Saturday -- Shockers lose last tilt, 9-7 -- Viola instructor concert soloist -- 4 debaters will participate in Iowa Forensic Conference -- UW musicians vie in contest -- Arnold Air delegates attend convention -- Navy interviews set for December 7 -- YM-YW meet attended by 62 -- UW sets visit of bloodmobile -- Job problems to be solved -- Wall terms recent sessions on city problems a success -- UW senior dies in local hospital
Photograph(s): Susies and Sammies: Contestants for the "Susie the Snake Charmer" and "Sammy the Strong Man" contests are Debbie Updegraff, Doris Kissire, Susie Lovelace, Gay Harbaugh, Barbara Matthews, John Constantino, Lester Ottoway, and Leland Hoberecht. p. 1 -- Scholarship winners: Alumni Association scholarships were awarded to 18 high school students last spring who are now attending the University. The winners are first row (left to right) Gary W. Stahl, Dorris Shelor, Patricia Couger, Joan Marie Crego, and Gay Harbaugh. Second row--William Wentz, Wilma Joan Murphy, Patricia Ann Hall, Verda Mae Mahanay, and Veoma Ruth Richardson. Third row--Chandler Bethel, William Oakes, Joe Cox, Ronald D. Carrell, and Gary Wolf. Not pictured are Ronald Charles Hill, Norma Jean Toews, and Donald Fisher Webber. p. 3
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.56 no.11
PubMed ID