The Sunflower, v.71, no.51 (April 11, 1967)

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Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History , Institute of Logopedics
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The Sunflower, v.71 no.51. Wichita, Kansas, April 11, 1967. - 8 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): 87 students take aim at SGC posts April 13-14 -- Bill for campus cigarette sales clears house -- Basketball season tickets are favored by students -- Saul Alinsky to speak at forum tonight -- Candidates voice views -- Isreali [sic] novelist to give speech on creative art -- Political parties set platforms -- Volunteers from Wichita help VISTA attain goals -- Foundation gives grant to Math Dept. for work -- 2 one-act plays to be presented in WSU Theater -- Selective Service budget for physicals is stripped -- Rockwell: Stepping stone? -- Ballast announces achievements, opposition refutes party's claim -- Engineers meet tomorrow at Engineering Symposium -- Racial situation, ghetto problems to be inspected -- Dedication for $ 2.6 million Wichita Public Library held -- Ground breaking for greenhouse initiates program -- Two K-Staters to Vietnam for correspondance [sic] -- Miss Gane heads training institute for University -- International Club to sponsor prof and Samoan film -- City firemen make checks to uncover home dangers -- WSU receives grant -- Women’s branch of Army Rep. on campus soon -- Honorary band frat gives Library gift -- Trip to Antarctic is program topic of geology prof -- Spoof on Tonight Show gives local talent a break -- Bill might force new rulings for beauty operates -- Women's Council will hold coffee to back grant -- Kelly Cook inks grid aid letter with Shockers -- Pan-American Day banquet planned by Spanish Club -- 70 ROTC cadets visit Ft. Sill, Okla. -- Shock linksters sixth in tournament;Jerry Denver Ttp finisher for WSU -- Kiser's Korner / Mike Kiser -- Shocks downed by Ichobods; Hitting, hurling aids team HHtfaig, Horling Aids Team
Photograph(s): Steve Hughes, Independent Presidential. p. 1 -- Bob Shields, Ballast Presidential. p.1 -- Rod Stewart, Ballast VP Hopeful. p. 1 -- Brian Sullivan, Independent VP Hopeful. p.1 -- Saul Alinksy, social organizer trained in Chicago, will speak at the University forum tonight. p. 1 -- Bob Bettis. p 2 -- Lee Thompson. p. 2 -- Steve Crans. p. 2 -- John Schuermann. p. 2
Wichita State University
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.71 no.51
PubMed ID