The Sunflower, 1932-1933, no.03, October 5, 1932
Issue Date
Archival material
Archival material
College newspapers and periodicals , Wichita (Kan.) -- Newspapers , Student publications , Wichita State University -- History
The Sunflower: Official student newspaper, v.38, no.3, Wichita, Kansas, October 5, 1932. - 4 pages
Table of Contents
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Article(s): Presidential poll is held by students -- Sergeant Euthon is cited for bravery -- Symphony orchestra selects new officers -- W.U. freshman is injured in wreck -- March dedicated to R.O.T.C. band -- Possibility of Parnasus to be decided -- Enrollment high in Liberal Arts -- Johnny Burriss is chosen cheerleader -- Omega plans to sponsor play contest -- Warn violators of traffic rules -- Wheatshocker out on October 10th -- Freshman rules are announced -- Gebhardt speaks before Y.M.C.A. -- Contest tryouts begin Thursday -- Regents appoint new committees -- Student council issues regulations for varsities -- Institute for social study is organized -- Hold orchestra name contest -- Cadet officers begin rotations for positions -- Coalitions keep nominees secret -- R.O.T.C. band plays at Towanda -- Bosworth, Dick Jones given leads -- Journalism studies acquire experience -- String ensemble appears over air -- Council issues constitution of student body -- Delta Pi Kappa boasts one vote -- Letter from Dame of Serk reveals interesting items -- Rogers autographs Bob Reedy's plane -- Y.W., Y.M. sponsor school directory -- First interview frightens cub -- Shocker society: First varsity of year Saturday; Fraternities; New German club president election; Home Economics club honors new girls; W.A.A. entertains fifty girls; Omega Upsilon pledges four; "My Vagabond Summer" discussed at Y.W.C.A.; Greek societies select pledges; 17 new members in Mothers' Club; Members urged to attend Phi Beta Pi; Players select new committees; New Voters League will hold meeting; Voters League guests at tea; Annual Freshman Day is celebrated; Mrs. Youst speaks at Y.W. today -- Strong Phillips U. eleven battles Shockers Friday night: Shockers meet Phillips in third contest -- Depression prices bring record crowd -- Shockers again defeat Quakers -- Cagers practice -- No gym is required at K.U. this year -- Eyes focused on conference -- New champ soon -- Hockey battle Thanksgiving -- Women's sports / Dorothea Kyle
Photograph(s): Cast in first play: Miss Bosworth, Miss Landers: Two of the principal parts in the initial 1932-33 production of the University Players, "The First Mrs. Fraser," will be played by Miss Bettina Bosworth, left, junior, and Miss Mary Jane Landers, right, freshman. Miss Bosworth will play Janet Fraser and Miss Landers, Elsie, the second Mrs. Fraser. p. 1 -- Alpha Tau pledge president: Miss Dorothy Brinker, above, is the newly elected pledge president of Alpha Tau Sigma sorority. Miss Brinker attended Mt. Vernon in Washington, D.C. her freshman year and the University of Kansas last year where she was one of the six honored beauty queens. / Courtesy Wichita Beacon. p. 3 -- Leonard Dugan: Showing considerable improvement in the game against the Quakers last week, the 200-pound sophomore of McCracken, Kansas, who is shown above, may start at the center post against Phillips U. here Friday night. He and Booth, freshmen, are staging a hot race for the position. p. 4
Article(s): Presidential poll is held by students -- Sergeant Euthon is cited for bravery -- Symphony orchestra selects new officers -- W.U. freshman is injured in wreck -- March dedicated to R.O.T.C. band -- Possibility of Parnasus to be decided -- Enrollment high in Liberal Arts -- Johnny Burriss is chosen cheerleader -- Omega plans to sponsor play contest -- Warn violators of traffic rules -- Wheatshocker out on October 10th -- Freshman rules are announced -- Gebhardt speaks before Y.M.C.A. -- Contest tryouts begin Thursday -- Regents appoint new committees -- Student council issues regulations for varsities -- Institute for social study is organized -- Hold orchestra name contest -- Cadet officers begin rotations for positions -- Coalitions keep nominees secret -- R.O.T.C. band plays at Towanda -- Bosworth, Dick Jones given leads -- Journalism studies acquire experience -- String ensemble appears over air -- Council issues constitution of student body -- Delta Pi Kappa boasts one vote -- Letter from Dame of Serk reveals interesting items -- Rogers autographs Bob Reedy's plane -- Y.W., Y.M. sponsor school directory -- First interview frightens cub -- Shocker society: First varsity of year Saturday; Fraternities; New German club president election; Home Economics club honors new girls; W.A.A. entertains fifty girls; Omega Upsilon pledges four; "My Vagabond Summer" discussed at Y.W.C.A.; Greek societies select pledges; 17 new members in Mothers' Club; Members urged to attend Phi Beta Pi; Players select new committees; New Voters League will hold meeting; Voters League guests at tea; Annual Freshman Day is celebrated; Mrs. Youst speaks at Y.W. today -- Strong Phillips U. eleven battles Shockers Friday night: Shockers meet Phillips in third contest -- Depression prices bring record crowd -- Shockers again defeat Quakers -- Cagers practice -- No gym is required at K.U. this year -- Eyes focused on conference -- New champ soon -- Hockey battle Thanksgiving -- Women's sports / Dorothea Kyle
Photograph(s): Cast in first play: Miss Bosworth, Miss Landers: Two of the principal parts in the initial 1932-33 production of the University Players, "The First Mrs. Fraser," will be played by Miss Bettina Bosworth, left, junior, and Miss Mary Jane Landers, right, freshman. Miss Bosworth will play Janet Fraser and Miss Landers, Elsie, the second Mrs. Fraser. p. 1 -- Alpha Tau pledge president: Miss Dorothy Brinker, above, is the newly elected pledge president of Alpha Tau Sigma sorority. Miss Brinker attended Mt. Vernon in Washington, D.C. her freshman year and the University of Kansas last year where she was one of the six honored beauty queens. / Courtesy Wichita Beacon. p. 3 -- Leonard Dugan: Showing considerable improvement in the game against the Quakers last week, the 200-pound sophomore of McCracken, Kansas, who is shown above, may start at the center post against Phillips U. here Friday night. He and Booth, freshmen, are staging a hot race for the position. p. 4
University of Wichita
Book Title
The Sunflower
v.38 no.3
v.38 no.3